Chapter 9-Perfect Harmony

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(Wait to play the song first!)
Silverspeed's POV

"Thanks,"I said as I looked at them with a warm smile,
and I could have swore that they both softened under my gaze.
I sighed in relief,and looked out the door to see if Ratchet was anywhere around.
"Ok,clear to go,"I said gesturing them towards the door."What about you?"Sideswipe asked.
"I,still have something to do,"I said,pointing to the door again.
"Now go,"I said with a stern tone.
"Ok ok,we'll go,"He said with hands up in surrender.
Sunstreaker scoffed,but went along with his brother out the door.
'Ok,now while Ratchet's gone,time to return the favor',I thought with a smirk.
I started cleaning up his tools,picking them up and organizing them.
I turned on my speakers to low,and started a song I had now memorized.
It seemed,that it went along to what I was feeling,
so I decided to sing along quietly to the slow paced song.
Although,not noticing that the twins stayed behind,
staying silent while hiding next to the open door to the Med-bay.
(Wow,I just noticed that Silverspeed really doesn't realize her surroundings very often...D8)
(Play the song here!)
-Wise men say,'Only fools rush in'
-But I can't help,falli'n in love,with,you

I sighed mentally,'It was true,wasn't it?'
I frowned as I kept singing lowly.

-Oh shall I stay,would it be a sin?
-Oh if I can't help,falli'n in love,with,you
-Like a river a flows,surely to the sea
-Darling so it goes,somethings are meant to be

I put the wrenches in a door,I didn't bother getting the paint off,it would be a waste of time...
When I got the rest of the tools off,I sung a bit louder,cleaning the grease and oil off the workspace.
'Ratchet,you really need to clean your stuff more often,'I mumbled mentally.

-Take my,hand
-Take my whole life too

Did I want that to be true?'I thought doubtfully as I scrubbed a splatter of paint on the table.
'Stupid twins...can't even do anything without making a mess...'

-Oh for I can't help falli'n in love,with,you
-Oh like a river flows,surely to the sea
-Darling so it goes,somethings are meant to be

'Are we meant to be?'I thought sadly.
I sung without a care now,no one around to hear me anyways...(Oh you wish)
-Oh woah-oh,take my hand
-Take my whole life too
-Oh for I can't help falli'n in love,with,you
-Oh for I can't help falli'n in love,with,you...

I had nearly finished organizing and cleaning up Ratchets workspace,when I heard pede steps into the
Med-bay.'Oh great,'I thought embarrassed,blushing uncontrollably now,turning my helm away quickly.
I didn't hear Sideswipe skating into the Med-bay,only because Sunstreaker didn't have wheels.
Strange,ya would've thought they'd both have wheels,guess because Sunstreaker picked a Lamborghini Adventador as his him to pick the most possible expensive car...
instead of a Corvette like Sideswipe.
But,they both looked at me with unknowing glances,so I didn't look at them very long,figuring I would probably have my cooling fans kick on...yeah no..
"So,we heard you singing..."Sideswipe said with a slightly awkward tone,trying to look at me from where I was standing,which I was looking at the wall.
"Um,yeah..."I trailed off.
"It was, nice..."complimented Sunstreaker slowly.
My eyes widened behind my visor.
Him saying something nice in general is rare,and to me...
Wow,I must be on another level or something.
My blush turned a shade darker,if that was even possible,and I covered my face plates with my servos,with a resounding slap.
'My thoughts are gonna kill me...'
"Hey,since Ratchets gone for awhile,wanna do something?"
Sideswipe asked smoothly,
and I gave out a shaky huff.
"Why not..."I said sarcastically.
I then got an idea in my processors,which made me smile a bit in thought.
"Hey,you already heard me sing,how about you two sing for me?"I asked slyly,smiling even wider.
"Uh...Uhhh,"Sideswipe said flustered,turning a tint blue.
I had a goofy smirk on my face as I saw Sunstreaker's horrified face."No,"He said simply.
"Aww,Cmon,I bet you have a pretty voooiceee,"I taunted,nudging him with my shoulder plates.
I looked back to Sideswipe,who had composed himself again,but still a light blue covering his faceplates.
"I-I guess we could..."Sideswipe staggered,looking away.
Sunstreaker still had the same unchanging face,
but I could tell he was not happy."I.Will.Not.Sing."Sunstreaker said,glaring at
Sideswipe with the death glare.
I looked at Sunstreaker with an annoyed face.
He looked at me with the same hard glare he gave Sideswipe.
"I sang,"I said mocking hurt in my voice.
"Ya,but you didn't even know we were there..."Sunstreaker retorted.
"What were you two even doing there?Hmm?"I asked suspiciously."Fine,FINE!"He gnarled,
throwing his servos in the air carelessly.
"Mkay,"I smiled,and leant against the wall,motioning them to go."Bu-But-"
"Noooo buts,now what song do you want?"I said,sorting through the songs on the World Wide Web.
"Let me see!If I'm singing,I'm gonna choose,"
Sideswipe skated over to me.I gave him my list of songs,and he filed through them.
"Here,let's try this one!"He pointed to one song.
"Sure thing,"I replied."C'mon Sunny!"Sideswipe called over to his brother.
Sunstreaker growled,but came anyways."It's this one,okay?"I pointed towards the song Sideswipe picked."Fine..."He said sarcastically.I rolled my optics at him when he turned away.
The two twins both walked over to the opposite wall that I was leaning against,
and I heard them both whispering to each other."No,you go first!" "Your the one who's better at this!" "No,I'll come in after you!"
I then saw Sunstreaker facepalm himself,which made me hold in a chuckle.
"Fine then,I'll do the first part."Sunstreaker grumbled,crossing his arms.
"Are you two boys ready yet?"
"Yes,"Sunstreaker scoffed.
I played the song from my radio,turning it up louder

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