Chapter 11-Sticky Situation

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Silverspeed's POV
I awoke from recharge,onlining my optics,to find myself in a strange bed.
I felt a weight on my back,so I averted my eyes to see an arm wrapped around me.
My optics widen,and I slowly flip myself around to see Sideswipe asleep in recharge,next to me.
I blushed a shade blue,looking around the room that was probably Sideswipes and Sunstreaker's berth room.
I wondered how I got here,until I remembered Sideswipe literally scaring me half to death.
The other bot that made me 'faint,' I suppose was Sunstreaker.
I saw Sideswipe move a little,and I froze.
Sideswipe's arm was still around me,and I was staring dead straight at him.
I quickly decided to flip back around to the other side of the berth,pretending to still be in recharge.
But,Sideswipe shuffled around some more,so I flopped back down again.
Apparently though,Sideswipe heard me,and online his optics slowly.
I tried composing myself,trying not to freak out.Sideswipe was unmoving in his spot,not moving an inch.
When it finally seemed he got out of his trance,he looked over to where his arm was wrapped around me,
and his optics widened to the size of saucers.A blue tint radiated from his faceplates,
and he moved his servo away,mumbling some incoherent words.
Sideswipe was looking at the ground,and I was just staring at him,but I also quickly looked away.
"So ya 'doin?"I asked asked awkwardly,not looking at him.
"I'm the one who should be asking you that,"He joked half heartedly,a small smile forming.
Well I mean,waking up in your bed was kinda weird,
but it's not like I'm going to have a mental breakdown,"I said sarcastically,laughing a little.
"Well in that case,"Sides looked back at me with a smirk on his face,and raised an optic,laying in a 'model pose'.
"Oh quit it,"I said,pushing him off the berth."Hey!I was joking!"He yelped,before falling off with a thud.
"Tell it to the floor,"I mumbled,looking down at him.
Sideswipe falling off the berth apparently woke up Sunstreaker,
who was now sitting up in bed,looking at the both of us."Well,at least you're awake,"He said,
"And not freaking out,"Sunstreaker mumbled."I don't freak out,"I said staring at him.
"You seemed pretty terrified about Sunny and Me,"Sideswipe looked at me from the floor with a innocent smile.
"Use grammar Sideswipe,Primus,"I said raising my arms sarcastically.
"But still,I wasn't that terrified,I just don't like jump scares,or anything scary in particular,"I listed off.
"Oh,well ok then,horror movie night!"Sideswipe yelled out,raising a fist.
"Ya I'll just go now..."I went off the berth and walked to the door,but Sides blocked it.
"Hey,you can't keep me hostage,"I crossed my arms.
"If you want us to tell Ratchet about you hiding your injuries,and that you still are,then go ahead,"
Sideswipe said with a devious smile."
I think that his face is starting to get a little bit more punchable...
I stared at him for awhile,but eventually I shrugged and went out.
"Hey!"Sideswipe said,poking out of the doorway."You said I could go,didn't you,?"I asked him.
"N-no,well yes but--" "I was just kidding,watching horror movies,
is better than doing nothing but listening to Ratchets lectures all day,"I smiled,walking back.
"Ha,you almost got me,"Sideswipe laughed out.
I blew him a kiss as I past him through the doorway,but it was just for fun.
"What was that for?"He chuckled curiously."I was just wanting to see you're reaction,"I said plainly.
"Why?"He asked,this time more serious.
"Oh,it was just for fun,don't take it seriously,"I joked,patting him on his cheekplates.
"Whatever you say,"He shrugged."Exactly,you get me,"I winked.Sunstreaker chuckled at that statement.
"That goes to you two,Sunny,"I smiled at him."Oh,no you didn't,"He looked at me with his arms crossed.
"Oh yes I did,"I crossed my arms."This isn't going to become a thing,"He said,acting serious.
"Hey,this is what you get for scaring the pits outta me,"I stared at him.
"Besides,it doesn't even hurt you,"I shrugged.
"Does too,on the inside,"He put his servo to his spark,to which I rolled my optics.
Sideswipe came over to me,"Hey,I think he's warming up to you,he only talks like this to me,"He said with a smile.
I waved him,off,and he rolled his optics."Hey,that's my thing,"I joked at him,and he chuckled.
"Ok,so let's get this party started,"Sideswipe rubbed his servos together.
"But first we need to head to the rec-room,"Sideswipe skated out the doorway,leaving Sunstreaker and I in the dust.
"Well,guess we should follow him..."I trailed off."Ya,race ya!"He ran out of the berth room,leaving me here alone.
I sighed,but walked out slowly.The twins jumped at me,and I flinched,almost tripping backwards.
"Guyyyys,I never of should have told you guys about me and jumpscares,"I groaned.
"Too late,"Sideswipe deadpanned.The limp in my walk slowed me,
but It was healing sufficiently enough that it should be back to normal soon...If I didn't break it or anything...
"So,we don't have to watch a horror movie,there are other options." "No,we definitely have to,"Sides replied plainly.
I sighed,and followed them along."Ok,so here we are,"Sideswipe pointed to a small,human sized door.
"Um,what?"I joked,thinking that this was another prank.
"Haven't you heard of a Holoform?"Sunstreaker mumbled in a low voice.
"It's like a human version of yourself,"Sides explained."Here,I can show you,"
He said,then he transformed into his alt-mode,and his door flew open,to see a human climb out.
I looked at the human Sideswipe,who stared back at me."So?"He asked expectantly,raising an eyebrow.
I looked him over,and I noticed his hairstyle was a lot like his bi-pedal mode.
It was spiked,a dark brown colour,with a silver streak in the front.
He had tanned skin,with a toned body.
His clothing was a gray V-neck shirt,with a sleek,silver jacket over coat.
He had dark wash jeans,and silver converse.
(She knows this from the web,ok XD)
"Well,you look nice,"I replied plainly.
Sideswipe laughed,but looked over to Sunny.
"You want to go?"Sides asked towards Sunny.Sunstreaker grumbled,but went along with it.
Sunstreaker transformed,and his car door opened;more carefully,to reveal Sunny.
Sunstreaker had more of a curled hairstyle,with a bright blonde colour,and black streaks on the sides.
He had a black V-neck,with a bright gold jacket.
Sunny had the same jeans as Sides,but light wash instead,and gold converse.
Sunny was the same skin tone,and toned body.
"Do I have to..."I trailed off.
"Yep,"Sides said plainly.
"What if I don't want to,"I shot back,crossing my arms.
"You don't have a choice..."

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