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people often said
"oh please, it's not a big thing. just get over it"
everytime you told them
that you've gained a few weights and they started to call you fatty.

people often said
"you're just being too much, stop it."
everytime you told them
that you feel so ugly because all of the flaws on your face, and you can barely cover it.

what people don't know is,
something they think 'unimportant' isn't necessarily 'unimportant' for us.
what people don't know is,
everyone have their own insecurities.

but what you don't know is,
everyone have their own kind of beautiful,

what you don't know is,
you are more than your size, your color, your shape, how many pimples you have, or what kind of style you love.

when people said 'get over it',
it sometimes means
look at the mirror, and say
'i am my own kind of beautiful'

—for those who are feeling down because of their insecurities, you are you, and you are beautiful.

p.s. sorry for my english! :)

aksara tanpa suaraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang