The new girl

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Natsu's POV

It's the first day of school and I'm back in class with my friends. We are all talking and laughing as the teacher walks in with a girl behind him. I see this girl and I'm immediately drawn to her. She looks absolutely perfect in every way. I love her long golden hair and her beautiful brown eyes and I really love that perfect body of hers. She's got a body that'll make any guy drool. Big breasts and a round butt and hips that just sway sexily as she walks.

My eyes are glued to her until I hear her speak. Her voice is like a angel singing from heaven. I think I'm in love.

"Hello. My name is Lucy. I'm new here and I hope to make friends with all of you." She says sweetly and smiles. Even her smile is beautiful. I need to make her mine before someone else tries to claim her.

"Thank you Lucy. You may be seated." The teacher says and I watch her walk off and take the empty seat in front of me.

I couldn't resist her. I leaned forward and started playing with her hair. First just feeling it in between my fingers then stroking it softly. Just fully enjoying how it felt. It was silky smooth and soft, long golden strands that reminded me of gold silk in my hands. She didn't seem to mind at all which made me happy.

If her hair felt this good I can imagine the rest of her. No Natsu! No perverted thoughts in class! I mentally curse myself and clench my jaw. I just keep playing with her hair and twirl it around my fingers while class drags on.

I didn't realize I was in a trance until I felt her hair move out of my hand. I frowned at the loss of my new toy only to be met by her turning around and facing me with a smile and a giggle.

"Sorry you'll have to stop so we can go to our next classes." She giggles and stands up. She waves goodbye to me and walks out of the class.

I stay there for a minute trying to process what happened and what's happening to me. I'm usually flirty and rough but with her I'm basically nice. I don't normally play with a girls hair, I pull it while I fuck them. But her....I don't know. I just feel like I can't be rough with her.

I shake my head and gather my stuff and leave to my next class.

Time skip
I don't see her in any of my other classes so I'm hoping to see her now since it's lunchtime. I know her name is Lucy but she doesn't know my name. Heck she doesn't even know who I am or what my reputation is! She's probably figured it out since I look like the bad boy/ player type. I wear a leather jacket and boots and a t-shirt with worn jeans. I'm battle scared and just look like if you even glance at me wrong I'll rip your head off.

Yet in class she smiled and giggled at me like I was a old friend. Maybe she's never seen my type before. Or maybe she was just being nice? I'm currently leaning against the wall in the cafeteria with one leg bent and my foot against the wall while I have my hands shoved deep in my pockets. I'm just staring into space thinking when she suddenly appears in front of me.

"Hey! Remember me?" She asks with a giggle

"How could I forget?" I reply and smile at her and push myself off the wall twords her.

"Since I introduced myself in class you know my name but I don't know yours. What is it?" She asks while still smiling.

She doesn't seem to be intimidated by me or scared of me and she definitely doesn't seem turned on by me which is strange. Im used to people either fearing me or drooling over me and she's not doing either.

"My name is Natsu." I tell her and smile and step closer to her.

"I like you name. It's unique and seems to suit you." She smiles and still hasn't moved a inch.

Innocent✔️ (Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now