Facing fears

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Natsu's POV
I've never been so mad than when I heard Lucy scream out in terror. After I saw Levy rush to me in fear I ran to find her but couldn't see her anywhere. I searched everywhere but found nothing. I hear a quick scream and ran in that direction but didn't see anything or hear anything. I kept searching and hear a scream again and that's when I was able to find her. I saw that guy kissing her and I felt my anger grow then when I saw him grab her breast I erupted.

I basically beat the guy to near death and hearing Lucy scream and cry just fueled my anger. I don't know how they separated us but they did and I saw him in a bloody heap on the floor. I wanted to attack again but Lucy rushed me. She wouldn't let me go all day after that and I don't blame her. She must be traumatized after that.

I went home with her and we told her dad everything and amazingly he said I could stay. I was so happy but I contained myself. He called my dad for clothes and Lucy went with me to the bathroom to help me clean up. Her washing me didn't feel erotic at all so I had no problem containing myself. I just enjoyed her being there and taking care of me. Loving me and helping me.

After dinner we went to her room and laid in her bed that's where my mind started to wander. I'm in a bed with my girlfriend. This usually leads to erotic destinations but I can't and won't let it happen. I feel her laying on my chest and I decide to take my mind from the gutter by playing with her hair. This helps me tremendously because I can get lost in the sensation and I know it helps her relax to.

She looks up at me with a smile so I smile back and kiss her. She lays back down and cuddles into me lovingly so I do the same in return. She knows my past yet still loves and trusts me. She trusts me so much despite what I've done that she's here willingly sleeping with me in my arms. I love this feeling so much I never want it to end. No sexual tension and no sexual intentions. Just love and cuddles. Who knew I could be so happy just doing this?

I officially love you so much Lucy and I will control myself and make you my only sex partner from now on. But in the future.

But damn how far in the future? Wait this could take years before we get married! Can I hold off for years?! I look at Lucy who is fast asleep on me and smile. Yes. I can and will. For her. I fall asleep happy and content with her in my arms.

Time skip
I wake up the next morning to her alarm clock. She smacks it and goes back to cuddling with me which makes me laugh.

"Luce we gotta get up and go to school." I tell her while chuckling.

"No. Cuddles and sleep." She grumbles and nuzzles into my chest

"I know you want to stay in my arms and believe me I want you to stay but we need to go to school." I tell her with amusement

"No. I don't want to after yesterday. I'm to shaken up still. I can't see that hallway or classroom or even those people again." She says sadly and starts crying.

"Alright. I understand. At least tell your dad. He's going to wonder why you aren't up for school." I tell her softly and she nods.

She gets up and I get up with her and hold her hand. She heads to her dad's room still crying and we explain everything to him. He sighs but agrees she can take the day off. She lets her driver know she's not going to school and we go lay back in her bed. She lays on me again and cuddles close to me and falls back asleep in no time.

I lay there just enjoying the experience and playing with her hair. I get to do this all day now which makes me smile. No teacher interrupting me and no bells to annoy me. Just me and Lucy wrapped up in each other happy and relaxed and completely content. I hold her close and kiss her head and play with her hair until I feel drowsy then I allow myself to fall asleep.

Innocent✔️ (Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now