A surprise

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Lucy's POV
I never thought my dad would trust Natsu so much as to let him stay while he's away on business. Given he doesn't know about Natsu's past I shouldn't be to surprised. Natsu has been a total gentleman since the day they met. I just wonder if Natsu really can keep himself in check. I can imagine he's already struggling keeping his hormones in check. Going from messing around with every girl and getting what he wants to being tied down and basically denied all sexual contact must be extremely hard for him.

Natsu stays for dinner then leaves for home about 9pm. I hate seeing him go and I know he hates leaving but we have to separate sometimes. He texts me for a while then I decide to say goodnight and go to sleep. My dreams are full of him and how we just fit together so perfectly. He completes me and I see myself forever with him.

I'm woken up out of my dreams by loud sirens. I get up and look out my window to see them stop at Natsu's house. I rush out of my room just as my dad rushes out of his. We nod and head straight out the front door and to Natsu's house. I hope everything is ok and nothing bad has happened.

Natsu's POV
I fell asleep thinking about Lucy and ended up having a dream about her. We were asleep in her bed together when she started rubbing on me. I look at her and she's fully awake and smiling at me.

"Natsu. I want you to make me feel good. Pleasure me." She says seductively and I almost immediately get hard and that made her smile.

I feel her rub me more making me moan which made her smile more.

"That feels good Natsu?" She asks seductively

"Very good because it's you." I moan in reply.

"Then make me feel good to. Show me what you can do." She says sexily and pulls her hand away.

Now I sit up and reach down and start rubbing on her making her moan which just turned me on more.

"Natsu. I want you..." She moans and pushes me off of her and climbs on top of me. She leans in to kiss me when I feel weight on me in reality making me wake up.

"Lucy?" I ask groggily because I feel my hands being moved. Now it feels like they are being tied. Now I feel something in my mouth. This is definitely NOT Lucy.

"Natsu. You've been ignoring me. And I've seen you with that blonde girl. I'm guessing her name is Lucy?" She asks but I'm not going to respond even if I could.

I fight to get free but I can't. What do I do?

"Natsu Relax. I just miss you and want to have a little fun." She says seductively and starts pulling down my sweats.

No no. Please. I'm with Lucy and I've been doing so good controlling myself. I need to control myself.

I feel her touch my dick and I growl. Damn it part of me loves this and part of me hates this! I feel her put her mouth on it and I'm now for the first time ever fighting my hormones while I'm getting my dick sucked. Control yourself man. Maybe she will give up if you don't get hard. But she keeps going and she's purposely doing what I love to get me hard. Fuck! I hate this!

I never thought I'd be the victim but here I am basically getting raped by my ex because she's jealous. Fuck! She's forcing herself on me though and she has me bound and gagged. Wait she can get arrested for this!

"Resisting me? That's mean Natsu. Very mean." She pouts and I see her remove her clothes. Damn it it's hard enough to resist her sucking my dick now I have to see her naked. Fuck! "Try to resist me now natsu." She says seductively and starts pinching her nipple with one hand and rubbing herself with the other.

Innocent✔️ (Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now