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Lucy's POV
It's June and it's the end of the school year. Me and Natsu just finished our finals and we are confident we passed. They were extremely tough though, I've never seen Natsu so stressed then he was during those weeks. We helped each other out as best we could and helped keep each other calm and focused and motivated.

Now it's time for prom and I can't wait to see Natsu in a suit. I bet he will look so hot I won't be able to stand it. I'm wearing a pink backless dress that reminds me of Cinderella's dress a bit I have my hair done and I have some makeup on. I look in the mirror and smile, I'm ready to go. I head out of my room and see my dad and Virgo. My dad smiles brightly when he sees me.

"Lucy you look absolutely beautiful! Let's go see Natsu. He's waiting for you." He says happily and leads me to the living room. I see Natsu and he sees me and our jaws drop.

"You look amazing!" We say at the same time and laugh.

"Pink looks good on you Luce." He says with a chuckle

"And a suit looks amazing on you Natsu. You look very handsome." I say with a smile and he blushes slightly.

"I have a early graduation present for you guys." My dad says suddenly and hands me a card. "You guys get to stay the weekend at the hotel the prom is being held at." He says with a smile and our jaws drop again.

"Really?!" Me and Natsu shout making my dad laugh loudly.

"Yes really. You both are graduating and you both did well on your finals so I'm giving you guys a weekend to yourselves. Take a mini break and have fun." He smiles and I hug him tightly

"Thank you Daddy!" I shout and he hugs me back

"You're welcome. Here." He says and hands me a already packed bag "Here Natsu. Your bag." He says as he hands Natsu his bag. "Your key is in there as well as a prepaid card with money on it. Enjoy yourselves. But be safe!" He says firmly and we nod and smile. "Go check in first then have fun at your prom."

Me and Natsu both hug him at the same time making him laugh out loud. He pushes us out the door and to the waiting limo. We get in with our bags and look at each other with big smiles on our faces. We are so excited words can't describe it.

"I can't believe we get to spend the weekend together." Natsu says excitedly and I giggle at him.

"I can. My dad knows how hard we've been working and we deserve a break. Plus you are my fiancé and we are getting married next month. He trusts us and that means the world to me."

"Me to Luce. It means so much to me that he trusts me."

"We're here. I'll pick you guys up early Monday morning." My driver Capricorn says

"We will need to go home then and get our backpacks." I tell him and he nods.

We get out of the car and head into the hotel with our bags. My dad already gave us the room key so we just head straight to the room and set our bags down. We look around and smile.

"We get the whole weekend to ourselves in a hotel." Natsu says with a big smile. "That means no suppressing moans or any sounds of pleasure and we can do anything we want." He says with his smile getting bigger. "I almost want to skip the prom and just stay here."

"No Natsu. We are going to prom." I tell him firmly and grab his hand making him pout.

I make sure I have the room key and I pull him out of the room. We head down to the prom and enter to find the party in full swing. The band was there and there was tons of food much to Natsu's delight. We head straight to the food tables and get plates of food. Natsu piled his up while I only got a few things.

Innocent✔️ (Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now