Making it up to you

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Lucy's POV
I can't believe Natsu did that! I guess it's to be expected considering his past but I still never thought he'd do that! Especially to me! I won't tell my dad but I know his dad knows about his past. I'll call him. I have his number for emergencies and this counts as a emergency to me.


"Mister Dragneel. It's Lucy." I say and my voice cracks a bit.

"Lucy my dear what's wrong?"

"Natsu. He. Hurt me."

"He did what?! How?! Why?! What happened?!"

"We. Well we agreed to do little sexual things just to mess around and today he was dry humping me and got really forceful and ripped my panties and when I told him to stop he just kept going. I had to slap him with all my strength to get him to stop. He almost raped me." I explain and start crying.

"I never would of imagined he'd do that to anyone. Especially you. I'm so sorry my dear. I really am. Have you told your dad?"

"No sir and I don't plan on it. He'd try to kill him and I don't want that. I still love Natsu but I don't know if I can trust him that much anymore. I don't know how to feel. I was hoping you could talk to him."

"Of course I will. I'll call him now. I'm sure he didn't mean it and probably just got carried away. He loves you so much."

"I know. I love him too. I just don't know how to feel right now. I won't break up with him but trusting him is going to be extremely hard after this."

"I understand. I'll call him now. Would you be willing to talk to him afterwards?"

"Tomorrow Yes. I want to be alone with my thoughts for now."

"Fair enough. I'll talk some sense into him and maybe come home and knock some sense into him too."

"You won't need to do that sir. Just talk to him."

"As you wish. Good night and take care Lucy. Thanks for calling me."

"Good night sir." I say and hang up.

I go take a shower and get dressed and lay in my bed and think about everything. I saw the look on his face once he was knocked to the floor. He had a look of shock and horror and pain and regret. I know he just got carried away but it still hurts that he didn't stop when I said to stop. He ignored my plea's like he didn't care. But I know he does. I know he's hurting right now just like I am.

Natsu's POV
I'm writing the list of things I love about Lucy when my phone rings.


"Son. We need to talk."

"Dad. What is it?"

"Don't play innocent Natsu! Lucy called me and told me what happened!" My dad snaps and my heart sinks

"She did? I. I'm sorry dad. I got carried away. I didn't mean to hurt her! You know I love her more than anything!" I shout and start crying

"I know. You should know she still loves you. She said she won't break up with you and she won't tell her dad BUT she said she's going to have a extremely hard time trusting you again after this and honestly I don't blame her."

"I'm relieved hearing that but I feel horrible knowing I lost her trust but I expected it. I wouldn't trust myself either after that. What do I do dad? I honestly didn't mean it! I'm happy knowing I won't lose her but I lost her trust! She probably won't let me touch or even kiss her after this!"

Innocent✔️ (Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now