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Natsu's POV
Lucy just left my house and I can't wipe the smile off my face. She knows I like it well love her now and she thinks she feels the same way but she's not sure because it's so new to her. I know she does but doesn't understand the feeling because she's never felt it before.

At lunch today she she was touching my hair, it felt so good but I couldn't help my hormones kicking in and making me think about her running her fingers through my hair while we had sex. That's what made me groan because I was trying to push the thought out of my head. She stopped when she heard me which made me look up at her. I felt her arms slide from my hair to my neck and I had the desire to kiss her roughly but I told myself not to because I know she's never been kissed before.

I felt myself drawn to her and kept getting closer. I was lost in her eyes and kept getting closer to her. Our noses barely touching when I heard the bell ring. I felt discouraged but also a bit relieved. If I'm going to kiss her I want it to be magical and memorable for her. I want it to be passionate and loving but not to the point where I can get carried away. Although let's face it, that will be hard for me to control no matter what.

"Son, I approve." My dad says suddenly snapping me out of my thoughts. "I see why you love her. She's beautiful and sweet and polite and she does seem very innocent and kind hearted." He says with a smile

"She is dad. She's all that and more." I reply while still smiling.

"You are definitely love struck. You have the cheesiest grin on your face." My dad says and starts laughing and I roll my eyes and walk away. "Wait son. Now that she's met me we should meet her parents. Before I leave."

"She said she hasn't told her dad about me because of my reputation." I sigh

"Well. I'm not one for lying but. Tell her not to tell him about that. Dress normal for once and we can go introduce ourselves before I go." My dad says and I smile.

"Yeah. Your right. We should do that. How about tomorrow after school?" I ask and my dad smiles and nods. "Great. I'll tell Luce tomorrow."

"Excuse me for the interruption but dinner is ready." Our cook says and we nod and go sit down to eat.

During dinner I tell him about what happened at school when the guy touched her and I punched him and how I almost kissed her. All he did was smile and occasionally shake his head. I can tell he's happy to hear about me being nice and only getting into necessary fights to protect someone.

"Dad. I feel like. She's my other half. Like the missing piece to my puzzle." I tell him seriously and fight back blushing

"I know. I think she is to. I saw how you guys look at each other. It's obvious you like if not love each other. She just needs to figure it out." He smiles and finishes eating.

I just smile and finish my food and head to my room. Luce texted me her number earlier and I'm happy for that. I lay in my bed and think about everything when she texts me she's going to bed. I text her good night and smile and think about her sleeping. I bet she's beautiful when she sleeps. I can imagine sleeping with her and not sexually which is unusual for me and I actually like being able to not think of her like that all the time.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face just thinking of her.

Time skip
The next morning I wake up happy to see Luce. I get ready and just smile as I remember she will be there and be happy to see me. I feel so much better knowing she likes me to but I still have the issue of controlling my hormones. I know I'll learn to control it over time but damn it's going to be hard. I really need to talk to her about it but I'm scared, I don't want her to think bad of me. Though she probably will considering I've fucked so many different girls.

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