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A beautifully decorated lawn, a girl was standing all dressed in pretty pink colour long gown with a baby girl in her hand who was trying to jump in her arms.

No,Trisha wait....Nandu spoke.

Suddenly,the lights went off,she was going to shout but hearing the voice she stopped.

Lights came back,and saw that a boy all dressed up in black suit was on his knees.

Nandini Murthy,I'm in love with you...the boy spoke up.

But...Nandu was going to speak but the boy stopped her.

Let me speak,I'm keeping it simple I just want to tell you that I'm madly in love with you,will be mine?.....the boy asked.

Nandu was shocked.

Answer me Nandini...he asked.

NO,ARYAN......she replied.

Nandu was sleeping peacefully holding Trisha in her arms woke up instantly listening to shoutings of Manik. Manik was sweating badly,and why won't he?

He had just now saw worst dream ever!

Nandu saw that he breathing heavily,she made Trisha lay down properly and got up,taking the water bottle she hurried towards the Manik who was sleeping on a small bed which was next to Nandu's bed in hospital.He was feeling uncomfortable in sleeping there but was way too stubborn to listen when she asked him to return back to home.

Have this ?...saying she handed him the water-bottle.Manik was not even able to open the cap of the bottle as his hands were shivering badly.Sanyu sensed that he was fearing of something.Opening the water bottle he drank all the water all in a go.

What happened Manik?....she asked to him.

Nothing....came his slient reply as he don't to stress her more.

You can share with me.....she assured him by keeping hand on his shoulder.

Just a bad dream....came his another slient reply.

Don't worry all will be fine......she spoke with a small smile.

Seeing,her all happy and smiling he got all his energy back,he ignored all his negative thoughts and took one glance at the sleeping Trisha and passed Nandu back a wide smile.

Come and go sleep.....he spoke to standing Nandu.

I'll but you too sleep,as I know from last two days you're struggling with lot many things alone,and that too for us,for me and Trisha.

Manik was hurt by her sayings but decided to check the topic as he knew or-else he will end up saying something which might her.

Yeah,I'm sleeping you too go and sleep......he replied and wishing each other a good night Nandu returned back to her bed while Manik just laid down.

He was trying to close his eyes but the dreadful dream used to flash in front of his eyes,which were not making him sleep peacefully.

Manik took out his phone and saw the time,just one hour was left for 5 in the morning.He knew he won't be able to sleep now,as it's his daily time to wake up so he woke up and messaged Aman and Max to come fast as he need to clear something important before it's too late.

In no time,Aman and Max were present in front of him.

Manik took a sticky note from side-table and wrote "I'll be back in an hour,to pick you and Princess back".....writing he stuck it on the table so that Nandu would be able to see that.

Did you people do what I had asked you guys to do ?....Manik asked Aman,while Manik sat in the car followed by Aman and Max took the driver seat.

Yes,all the things are ready,Aryan will never forget this morning in his life........Max replied and trio started their journey towards the destination.

Here,Aryan was sleeping peacefully enjoying his beauty sleep.There Manik reached directly to his house with the police.They all barked in Aryan's house and just to there surprise Aryan was all alone in deep slumber.Aryan was still in his bed when they barked in his house.

A policeman shook him a little,trying to wake him up,but Aryan turned towards other-side.

None,of them time for Aryan's tantrums so Max emptied all the water on Aryan,and he was wide awake.Seeing,the police he was shocked but when he saw Manik next to them Aryan got that he was caught now,all his game was over and now there won't be any escaped from them.

So,Aryan you're under arrest........policeman said.

So,Manik found all great,I appreciate you for all the efforts,but rememeber Nandini is mine only and mine,and I would kill that baby and ......Aryan was stopped uttering as Manik had already got the hold of his throat as he was uttering useless about his Princess,Aryan didn't have an idea what Trisha means to Manik.

Stop you're non-sense talks Aryan I'm warning you,not a single word about my baby.....Manik threatened him and he was quiet.

Max and Aman trying there best loosened Manik's hold from Aryan and next second Aryan was taken by police.

If Aryan was not taken then  Manik  would have surely killed him.

Officer,make sure he doesn't comes out early....Manik spoke to the officer.

Aryan was taken by police.

Manik was  in relief as Aryan's mystery was solved.

But,is life so easy ?

Here,Nandu woke up and her eyes stopped at the sticky-note stuck.Trisha was still sleeping in her mother's warmth.Manik too returned back and informed all about Aryan,she too was happy that Aryan was away from there life.

After,1 hour doctor discharged Trisha and Manik drove towards Nandini's house with Trisha,whole way Manik had protectively holded Trisha in his arms.

Manik,give her to me,your hands must be paining......Nandu  spoke to him.

She is all fine,here ,yes na baby.....he asked cutely to Trisha while little baby as if getting his words snuggled more closely to him.

When,the car stopped too,Nandu asked Manik to give Trisha to her,but Manik denied and holding her close to his heart followed Nandini playing with Trisha.

Getting,down he walked inside her house followed by Nandu while Pinky was already at home.

Manik entering walked into Nandu's room and placed Trisha on the bed and made her sleep peacefully.

Manik  not at all, even ready to return to his home,but Nandu forced him to go and freshen up and come.


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That was just a dream 😂who all thought that it was Manik proposing to Nandu...


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