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Reaching first Mumbai , Manik and Nandu hurried towards the home.

On their way, Abhi told them to reach hospital.

Hearing about hospital, Manik feared while Nandu was shivering badly.

Aman was waiting on airport to pick them up,reaching Manik bursted on him , for not informing him earlier.

Aman. didn't speak anything seeing shvering Nandu whom Manik had holded by her shoulders.

Reaching, hospital Nandu's legs behave heavy to walk , she had a fear something worse might had happened to her baby.

Manik gathered her in his arms and helped her to walk. Aman, was guiding them towards the room.

Entering, the kids area. Nandu saw Abhi, who was watching Trisha through the glass window, Arya who was sitting on bench digging his face into his palms. Ruhi and Mukti's condition too was the same like Abhi and Arya.

Trisha...saying a whisper left out Nandu's mouth and ran towards the room where Trisha was been treated .

Manik, was more than broken , he himself didn't knew what all was happening.

Taking heavy steps, he folllowed Nandu and stood next to Nandu who was crying seeing her baby lying on hospital bed.

Seeing, Trisha surrounded by machine and doctor's operating on her Manik felt like someone has stabbed him.

Manik and Nandu stood their watching doctor treating her.

Such was condition of Manik and Nandu , they just wanted to know their bundle of cuteness is safe.

No one was interesting in knowing, how and all happened.

Doctor came out checking upon Tirsha, Manik along with Abhi and Arya ran towards him, while Ruhi and Mukti were handling Nandu whose condition was vulnerable.

Doctor how is my daughter now ?...asked Manik.

She is fine, the food poisoning is removed , it was only to little extent and thanks to this people who got her in no time to hospital, she is little weak just , she will be up in sometime, just take care of her.....doctor spoke to Manik and left assuring him with a little smile, that Trisha will be fine.

Abhi and Arya, can you just care to explain how it happened ?....asked Angry Manik.

Listening to his anger both Abhi and Arya were taken back. Care you speak up guys ? It's because of your recklessness my daughter is suffering .....Manik bursted out on them.

Manik, Ruhi and Mukti were making her eat her cereal, we were not knowing that someone had poisoned it, it was when Trisha just had one spoon and during second spoon spill all the cereal, and after she was playing with us while Mukti was cleaning the messy and suddenly Trisha began to cry, she was not stopping only, we continued to stop her but her cries were growing, she suddenly fallen asleep on my chest and her cries stopped, suddenly some sticky substance came out of her mouth and we called the doctor, doctor asked us to get to hospital quickly , we got her and she is now been treated.......Arya completed holding his breathe.

Who was that bloody person ?....Manik fired his next question.

Is was Dev's person disguised as a cook, we caught him while he was running away and now he is behind the bars.....Abhi completed .

As Abhi and Arya completed the narration, Nandu shivered and hugged Ruhi tightly. Her poor fragile baby had to suffer soo much .

It pained her.Bloody hell with you all, can you see that little baby is suffering today only because of you......Manik spoke angrily banging his hand on wall.

HIS LIFELINES(MANAN)(Completed)✔✔Where stories live. Discover now