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Help me guys ....Arya pleaded to both.

It's your problem sort it out you guys, come Nandu let's go.....Manik said holding Nandu's hand.

I doubt now even if you guys are my friends....Arya spoke in fake sadness.

Speak and sort out ...Nandu said.

I'll when she opens the door....Arya said banging the door.

Calm down she will open, come let's sit here....Nandu said to Arya and they sat on the chairs kept nearby.

Can you listen now how and all ?....curious Manik asked.

Okay, I and Ruhi had been School best buddies, we were in same college , then we both feel in love , we were madly in love with each other, then one day Mishti, who was my Good friend told Ruhi that I love Mishti, infact Mishti plotted all the things and separated us, Ruhi got hell pissed off with the things happening, all the things where going in wrong way, she made Ruhi understand that I don't love her and when I got to know about Mishti's already the disaster was created as I reached to Ruhi's house in US, her servants informed she left the place. When I returned back to India, I searched her but got sad news her father who was her only support too passed away. I didn't knew she was Manik your family member till that day, I was more than happy when I saw her, I tried to talk to her but she turned more ignorant towards me, she was fighting me which gave a hope that I'll get her back so I used to fight with her. ......Arya completed and the room's door clicked open, there stood Ruhi with her face tear drained and eyes were red.

Ruhi......Arya called her out.

Instead, she ran and hugged him tight. She had heard all his talks.

I love you idiot, and I miss you.....She said inbetween her talks.

I too loved you and will always love you......Arya spoke holding her tight.

Awww, they are soo cute Manik....Nandu said wiping her tears.

Yes, they are....He said taking her in side hug.

Ruhi walked towards Nandu.

Thank you Nandu, if today you won't have forced then this stupid had not spilled the truth out , thank you sooo much ......Ruhi spoke to Nandu .

Instead, Nandu hugged her. Trisha pulled Manik too into the hug. Arya was all happy now.

In office,

Nandu hand me to her ....Manik said to Nandu as they got down from the car.

Manik you have interviews scheduled today for new posts, and I didn't have any work today I can handle with Trisha ......Nandu said to him.

Okay, Princess trouble your momma a lot and if she scolds you call me okay ?......Manik said to Trisha and kissed her cheeks.

Manik took another lift and reached his office, while Nandu with happy Trisha entered her cabin. Nandu had just to sign some documents so she came to do that, Trisha was crying not wanting to leave her momma, Nandu got her with them.

Nandu placed Trisha on the sofa,placing a pillow beside her and moved to just otherside when Trisha threw the pillow down with her tiny leg.

Manik who had came to see his Princess as Aman was still arranging all.

Princess.....He shouted as he picked up Trisha who had fallen on other side of sofa and was going to loose her balance.
Hearing his loud voice, Nandu rushed towards them in panic to see Manik hugging Trisha right while Trisha clenched his shirt tightly in her hands due to fear.

HIS LIFELINES(MANAN)(Completed)✔✔Where stories live. Discover now