Chapter 1 - The First Day

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*Anna's pov*

"Come on Austin get up! We have to leave in 20 minutes!" I yelled as I threw pillows at my brother.

"Anna stop!" Austin yelled back

"What the hell guys! Come on we gotta go!" I heard Alan yelling down stairs for us, I grabbed Austin's arm and pulled him up. We walked out to the bus and started the 2 hour drive to the first show, thank god we packed everything into the bus last night.

On the way to the show I was in the back lounge of the bus with Alan, he's been my best friend since him and Austin met, and he's like a big brother to me. He was there for me when my mom died, and he doesn't know I still think about it everyday.. I miss her so much.. I thought to myself about her and how much of an amazing mother she was.. I didn't even notice a tear slip down my cheek.

"Hey Anna what's wrong?" Alan said when he noticed the my tear.

"I just miss my mom.." I said putting my face in my hands.

"Anna it's okay, I know you're still sad, is there anything I could do to cheer you up?" Alan said putting his arm around me. He always has been kind of a flirt but I never really thought anything of it.

"Can we order pizza?" I said joyfully

"Of course! We'll be at the show in around 15 minutes so we can just walk to the pizza place near the show" he said cheerfully.

When we arrived at the show I was so excited to see all the guys, I missed them all so much.

Me and Alan walked and got pizza and from the small pizza shop up the street and when we where about to leave is saw Oli Sykes, I haven't seen him in forever, so I ran up to him and jumped on his back.

"OLI OLI OLI I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." I yelled clinging to his back

"Anna! How've you been love?" He said kissing me on the cheek.

"Wanna hang out in a little bit before you go on stage?"

"Sure meet me at the Bring me the Horizon tent later!" He said as he walked out the door

"Will do!" I yelled after him

"Okay Anna come on let's go find everyone." Alan said pulling me back to the show.

My phone vibrated, it was a text from Austin.

"Hey Anna Fronz is here... He says he needs to talk to you, so go meet him at his stay sick tent."

"Thanks Austin will do."

Oh boy, I haven't talked to Fronz since our fight, I wonder what he needs to talk to me about.

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