Chapter 41 - For the First Time

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*Fronz Pov*

After kissing her, I don't remember much of last night.

I wiggled out of bed, making sure not to disturb Anna. On my way downstairs,
I felt a throbbing headache come on.

Walking downstairs, I saw that Kellin, and Oli where both asleep on the couches.

I walked past them, to the kitchen and started to make coffee.

I looked outside and saw that everything was white.

I continued doing what I was doing, and grabbed an aspirin. I started pouring my coffee until what I just saw registered.

"GUYS GUYS GUYS" I cheered.

Oli and Kellin jumped up, and I heard Anna run down stairs.

"Is everything okay?" Anna asked.

"What happened?" Oli asked.

"Food?" Kellin yawned.

I pulled the curtains from the door, and showed them all the snow outside.

"Snow? In California?" Anna asked.

"It's a New Years miracle!" Kellin squealed.

"Or just a cold front." Oli said.

Kellin shot him a glare, before running outside.

I grabbed Anna's hand and pulled her outside.

I flopped down on the ground, and breathed in deeply.

The cool crisp air, filled my nose, as the cold frozen snowflakes hit my face.

"It's so cold!!" Anna chirped.

"Have you never seen it before?" Oli teased.

"Well I have on tour, but I've never actually gone outside and played in it.. I'm from Florida it never snows there." She sighed.

"Awh it's okay." Oli said.

Kellin bent over and rolled the snow into a ball.

He picked it up and threw it at the back of Oli's head.

"Hey! Don't start something you can't finish!" Oli said pelting him back. Not long after did Anna and I get envolved.

"You're going down!" Anna yelled throwing a huge ball at oli.

Kellin got me right in the face, and I got Anna in the butt.

"Hey no foul shots!" She laughed.

"My hands are numb.." Kellin sobbed.

"Yeah, same.. Wanna go in?" I asked.

"Can you make coco?" Anna asked, in a somewhat joking child's voice.

"Of course." I laughed.


*Anna's Pov*

After we went inside, he made us all hot chocolate.

"Hey, didn't Vic stay the night too? I thought the 3 of you where too tipsy to drive?" I asked.

"Yeah.. He did.. Um, where is he?" Oli asked.

I got up, and ran through the house, looking in each room.

Finally, when I got upstairs, I looked in the bathroom, and saw him sound asleep in the big tub.

I shook his arm, and giggled.

"Uh Vic?" I asked.

He sat up, and rubbed his eyes.

"Where the hell am I?" He laughed.

Chris Fronzak; A Love Story♥️Where stories live. Discover now