Chapter 7 - Bad News.

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Fronz's pov

While I was holding Anna's hand she went unconscious..

Her heart best started to slow down dramitcally.

"We're losing her!" The paramedics yelled as we pulled into the hospital emergency area.

They pulled her out and popped up the stretcher quickly and we all ran into the hospital wheeling her as fast as we could through the halls to the ICU.

The doctors cut her shirt up to expose the bloody wounds on her shoulder and stomach. The cleaned them and bandaged them quickly and have her an iv to feed antibiotics into her.

I hated seeing her like this, she's such a beautiful girl she doesn't deserve to be on the edge of death in a hospital far far away from her home..

A nurse came over and said they where moving her to her own room, thank god.

Austin's pov

"Come on Oli drive faster! I need to see my sister!" I said to oli impatiently

"Austin for fucks sake I can only drive so fast! I've never been here before and I have no idea where I'm going!" He yelled back

After 45 more minutes of driving around to find the hospital we did.

We parked our car and ran inside. I jogged up to the reception desk.

"Excuse me miss, where is Anna Carlile right now. She's my little sister and I need to see her" I said as calmly and politely as I could.

The woman typed away for another minute and said

"She's on the top floor, room 21B" she said

"Thank you so much" oli said as we ran towards the elevator.

when we got to the top floor we frantically searched for her room, as soon as we found it we walked in, but what we saw wasn't such a great sight.

Anna was very pale, and she was hooked up to numerous machines. Fronz was sitting next to Anna crying.

"Fronz what happended? Why are you crying?!" I asked frantically wondering if my sisters okay.

I didn't like the sight of this. I reminded me so much of when mom was in the hospital, and honestly it broke my heart to see my little sister in the same spot.

"Austin I have really bad news." Fronz said wiping his face.

My heart dropped..

"Please tell me.." I said bracing myself for the worst

"Anna lost a lot of blood from her wounds and they had to put her in a medically induced coma to keep her alive. They said she could wake up anytime from a couple days to a couple weeks, even months." He said as he started to cry again.

My heart shattered and I felt tears slowly slip down my face

I looked at oli and he was crying too. All three of us.

Oli's like another brother to Anna, so I could tell this hurt him too.

I felt my phone vibrate.

It was Alan.

"Man it's all over the news that Anna was kidnapped and taken to North Carolina! Why didn't you tell me! She's my best friend! Anyways, they're calling off Warped Tour for around a week or two for everyone to go see her and gather themselves."

"Alan I'm sorry it's bee really rough day." I said

Alan texted back almost immediately saying

"It's all good man, what hospital is she at? Alex, David and I are on our way to see her."

"I don't know the name but it's off route 3." I answered

"Oh okay, I'll just google it, and put the adress in my gps, thanks man I'll see you soon." Alan said

"Guys guess what, Alan, David and Alex are coming to see Anna" I said smiling, seeing my friends will definitely help me cope with this.

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