Cayde x Injured Reader || Carefull

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Hello, my dear readers! I hope you enjoy this one. Once again, this was requested by @DevisSkull

Description (Spoilers): (Y/N) wasn't a guardian, but he/she was friends with many guardians. She/he worked in the hanger, so he/she would always see Cayde. Which, for a couple of times they would catch him looking at her/him. Until an accident rolled around, where one of the rope holding up a ships snapped, which happened to be the ship (Y/N) was working on.)

Warnings: Blood, Broken bones, and needles.

-(Y/N) POV-

I signed as I looked at Cayde. I talked to him before, a couple of times. Most of them being about his ship or sparrow in need of repair, once or twice about getting him a tank, and only one was a real conversation. But, that time was when I first started working her. Amanda has told me that ever since I came here, Cayde's been requesting me when he needs something fixed. Always saying, that besides Amanda, I was the best engineer in this place.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" Amanda yelled at me, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Do you want to keep day dreaming there, or do you want to grab lunch with me?"
I looked down at Amanda. I haven't eaten all day. "Sure!"
"What do you want to eat?" Amanda asked.
"I'm not sure," I thought for a second. "How about some ramen?''
"I heard raman," A sudden voice appeared, scaring Amanda and me.
We both turned to see Cayde. "Yeah." Amanda said. "(Y/N) and I where thinking we should get some for our brake. You wanna come with?"
"Yes, please!" Cayde had said and looked as if we saved his life. Little do we know he'll be saving mine later.
"Alright." I said with ambition. "Lets go get some ramen!"
"Yeah!" Cayde yelled and raised his fisgt into the air. "Lets go get some ramen!"
Amanda laughed. "You two are three year olds, I swear."
"If we were children, then we did you hire me, and Cayde's a vanguard?" I asked and we both faked pouted.
"You, I hired you because you were qualified to become part of my team." She said jokingly. "Him. I'm not sure how he became a Vanguard."
After about a minute or two of staring at each other, we all bursted out into laughter. "Okay, let's go get some ramen." Cayde said.
"Okay." I responded and we all walked out of the hanger and to the Bazaar part of the tower. All having laughs along the way. Once we got there we all ordered out favorite type of spicy ramen.
"So, you're telling me that you where on your boyfriends shoulders as he started kissing another girl?" Cayde asked, with a hint of astonishment and jealousy.
"Yep!" I laughed. "He didn't realise until his friend told him a minute later after his makeout session. Didn't even acknowledge me yelling at him."
"Wow." Amanda said. And started to giggle.
"Do you any embarrassing stories, Cayde?" I asked.
"Quite a lot, actually." He responded. "Before it was the day before I became vanguard, I thought it was the day I was becoming one. I had slept in because the rehearsal was in the evening. So, once I saw the time I hurried so fast that I put on my pants backward and my cape wasn't on correct. And so I ran all the way to the tower watch as they were still setting up. I have still not realized that it was the day before and I thought they were taking down everything. And I ran down into the hall of guardians to find Ikora and Zavala, and once I found them, I asked if i was still a vanguard even though I missed the ceremony. To which they broke out laughing. Ikora told me I wasn't and Zavala continued the prank. I was very surprised once I found out from Amanda, here, that it was the next day. When they both found out that I knew. Oh, they laughed so hard."
"Hahah." Amanda laughed. "I remember that. If you were an awoken or human, I could imagine how red your face would be. I swear I saw the steam coming from your ears!"
We all roared out in laughter. After exchanging more stories, all of us finished our food we started to head back to the hanger, and said our goodbyes.

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