Losing A Friend

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Going in further and further into the jungle to add more twigs/sticks to my collection, I felt the atmosphere's temperature changes.

Ignoring the sudden change in my surroundings, I continued walking deeper into the jungle.

Not long after,  I felt my feet getting stuck into something mushy and eventually feeling myself going down, something very slowly. The only way you could have noticed any movement was when you really focused.

Thinking it wasn't anything serious I tried wiggling out of the sticky substance but learned my lesson the hard way.

I immediately started going down faster than before and I could now feel my whole leg is covered.

I screamed out for help thinking that I would die. 

All the memories I had of you came running through my head and I just started screaming uncontrollably, angry at the fact that I might never see you again.

Thinking it was all over, I then heard persons shouting out my name and heard them running towards my location.

I then recognized that the voices belonged to Greg and George.

Without thinking I started shouting out their names and without realizing I started wiggling in the process.

As soon as I got the first glimpse of my friends, I then started to go under rapidly and now covered up to my chest.

George who was the one in the front without a flashlight and accidentally ran into the sinking sand since he couldn't see where he was going.

He was now covered up to his neck and suddenly started hyperventilating.

Then I remembered instantly that he was asthmatic and what he needed to help his situation effectively was in the tents, hat were way too far away from us at the moment.

Doing the best that we could, we tried to do some steady breathing techniques to help him relax but the asthma attack was stronger than us.

It was worst in seconds and with his last breathe he said "Thanks for being the best friends I've ever had".

After letting out this sentence he closed his eyes and then in seconds we could no longer see breathing movements.

His body then slowly started going under, like something was pulling it down and without hesitation, I tried rushing to his body to push him closer to the solid ground since Greg was too far away to grab him.

But before I could successfully achieve that goal, I went straight under the surface without being prepared for it, with insufficient air in my lungs and as a result, started to feel light headed.

Before I blanked out, I remember just thinking over the different outcomes after everyone learns of my death.

And with those last thoughts, I saw darkness with the most sorrowful heart.


The next thing I felt was pain and a cold, hard surface.

I opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light realizing that there were lamps all around.

While searching the place with my eyes slowly adjusting, I came into contact with another pair looking straight into mine.

I backed up to the wall frightened from the site but calmed down after realizing it wasn't a threat.

He resembled a cub but it was unrecognizable animal since he looked to be mixed.

I tried to figure out how it got down there and thought that maybe it got stuck in here the same way I did.

The animal came closer to me and the next thing he did was unexpected.

He cuddled next to me like he was my own and licked my face in a friendly way.

I pet the animal on the head and stood up without pushing him to the side in a gentle way.

Being curious about my surroundings, I searched all over the place finding different holes like I was in a tunnel.

One hole lead to a waterfall and another to a forest full of trees with fruits which was filled with flowers all around.

The fruits that I tasted from the trees was very different from here with it being so delicious.

The thought of me getting thin is still a shock to me since I ate lots of fruits but guess it wasn't enough for 11 long years.

In one specific hole, I came to find a huge rock with unrecognizable symbols engraved in it.

It looked really ancient and maybe was very important to a group of people back then.

During my stay inside there, I tried to make friends with the animal and at that time I remembered you and how you played with your pet Noodles.

While playing with him one day, I found a wall to use as my calendar and marked the wall with sticks to indicate the days I was there.

It was used to keep track of how long I was in there and maybe if I'm lucky, how long it would have taken for someone to find me here.

That same day I finally decided to give the cub a name, Norm since it was a male. I figured he liked the name because he wagged his tail with joy after hearing his new name.

Every day when it's time for bed, Norm and I would cuddle against my calendar wall and I would pray every night for someone to finally find me and get me and Norm out of there.

Sinking Sand {Wattys2019}:EditingWhere stories live. Discover now