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Having ADHD is hard. Having your dad believe you don't and beating you for simple mistakes is harder. My teachers have been trying since I was six to get my dad to look at putting me on medicine for it but he refuses to believe anything is wrong with me besides watching attention. It's not like I don't try though. I pay attention the best I can, sit as still as possible for as long as possible and it sill doesn't help much.

I just got told by my teacher that I failed another test. Which means she called my dad, which means I'll be collecting more bruises tonight. I like to think my dad loves me. That he's going what he thinks it right and trying to help me...but most of the time I don't believe it. Right now I'm sitting in detention because I disrupted my english class...again. I cant help that it's hard to sit still. I sigh and continue tapping on the desk at a rapid pace, my leg moving just as fast. "God, freak, can you just stop. Quit bothering people with your stupid problems!" Conner Evans, school athlete says.

I freeze and immediately dig my nails into my legs as hard as I can. The pain helps me focus a bit at times so I lave lots of little self made scars. The bell finally rings and I shoot out of my seat and rush home. I've barely gotten inside when a fist connects with my face and my body hits the ground. "You stupid, no good, troublemaker. Your never going to amount to anything and honestly wish you were dead instead of your mother." I flinch hard. Not because of the blows being rained down on me...but because of his words. After a bit he picks me up by my shirt and tosses me outside. "Your eighteen now, handle yourself." The door slams in my face and I slump against it. My mind is racing so fast I can't process anything to understand what just happened. I finally manage to stand and walk towards the little park near the house.

My dad beat the shit out of me, told me to die, and tossed me out of the house. I have no food, no clothes, and no place to stay. There's a dog, its pretty I wonder if I can pet it.

I walk over to the dog and see its got a leash attached to it. I follow the leash up to a hand and then a face of a handsom man. I blink twince before he looks at me and smiles. "May I pet your dog?" I ask and he nods. "his name name is Axel, he's a German Shepherd."

I look at the dog and gently rub under his chin. His tail wags and he licks me on the cheek. "Are you alright? Those are some nasty looking bruises." I look at my arms and bite my lip. "Yeah, my dad beat me cause I failed another test then kicked me out. Since I'm eighteen I guess he can do that. His eyes widen and then he looks angry. "Why the hell would he beat you for failing a test!" He asks angrily. I lower my hand and look down.

"He refused to believe I have ADHD. All of my teachers have tried to get him to see it but he said I was just doing it for attention. I-I don't mean to act like this, and I try really really hard to sit still an pay attention. But then one classmate begins texting another discreetly and another is tapping their pencil and another is drawing and...everything gets to be too much and then I can't sit still and I get anxious because I can't sit still and begin moving evern more and-"

"Hey, hey, it's alright look at me?" I sniff and look up. "Your not the problem here okay. You can manage you problems as long as you get the right help. Now come on, you can stay with me for now and first thing in the morning we'll take you and see what a doctor thinks." I swallow and nod.

The next few weeks consist of me getting help and getting used to living with Mason. It was rough adjusting to the medicine but I'm used to it now and I'm actually pulling my grades up a bit. We're doing okay and we've even kinda started dating I think. Well we like each other anyways, and we've gone out a few times so I suppose it counts. I think I'm going to be okay.

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