Oneshot 26✔

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Hi I'm Senn and I'm a rogue omega. I know what your thinking. Obviously you never would have lasted a day in the wild as an omega but I'm smart...instead of hunting prey, I set traps. I mostly catch small prey...though I have landed a few large animals like deer and elk. I even cought a bear once. It wasn't a cub, but it was still small.

I also fish and use plants as well...even though my wolf doesn't like plants. I just finish checking my traps for the day and and about to go skin the 5 rabbits, a fox, and de-scale the ten fish I caught. I set to work and fix a pot of stew while I'm at it, mixing in various organs that I'll stomach. I mostly use rabbit meat for jerky, though i do cook it sometimes. I hang the fox the bleed out and work on the fish. Once I'm done its begining to get dark and I carry everything back with me, because I've learned not to do these things too close to where I sleep.

I found a cave that only small animals can fit through, lime myself...though if a bear were to come sniffing around he could easily tear the rocks away. I climb in and set wvwrything away before mumching in my stew and fish. I yawn and lay down, ready to sleep when there's a comotion outside. I sit bolt upright when someone slides into the cave.

I instantly tense...

He's young, but I can smell alpha on him. He looks through the hole until whatever is outside in gone, then sighs and turns around, freezing when he sees me. "Who-"

I hold my hand up when I see a shadow pass by. Waiting until I know they've left I clear my throat and say "you shouldn't be in no mans land. It's dangerous." He flinches and says "I know those men chasing me were were hunters. They had me and my brother, but I managed to escape while he distracted them."

My eyes widen and i whimper when I realize I'm going to have to move...again. As an omega I cannot let them get me. Too many experiments I wouldnt be able to withstand. "Well, your safe here so long as you stay quiet. You lay sleep on my bed if you wish, I need to start packing-"

"Why are you, an omega, out here by himself?" I stare at him and look away. "That isn't important, now rest and let me pack. There is a little stew and fish left fom my supper, please dont get into my jerky though. Its what I eat while I'm moving locations since I cant hunt."

He nods and scarfs it down. I begin packing and he scoots over looking at my stuff. "Hey, whats this?" I look over and whimper, snatching it from him before carefully laying it back in its box. "Please don't mess with that." I ask and he shrugs and starts fiddling with other things.

"I'll keep it safe whatever it is. I'm sorry, as was the only way..." he mumbles under his voice. I turn and look at him weird, just as the front of the cave is torn open and hunters hold up guns...all aimed at me. I freeze...and my breath pick up.

"There, now can I have my brother, please." He wimpers and they toos a bruised man into the cave. Them something stings my neck and I pass out.



I groan and come awake looking at the walls of a cave. I'm very confused because when I last checked my brother and I had been in the hands of hunters for two years. "Hey big brother, how are you feeling?" I look over and see my brother, Jacque, eat jerky...what?

"Hey, where are we...and what happened...and who's place is this?" I ask and he bites his lip. "The hunters promised to let us go is I helped them capture a rogue omega...this is his place, but I'm sure they are long gone with him." I freeze when I hear this. "You, helped them catch another were so we could go free?"

He glares and says "look, I did what was best...besidez he was rogue anyways...he obviosly did something bad in his pack and he had to pay so I'm just helping a bit." I shake my head and start looking through the omegas things. I find a bottle about the size of coke bottle and Jacque looks over. "Hey I was wondering what that was a while ago, though he didn't talk about it, it seemed important."

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