Oneshot 33✔

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I grew up with a mom who taught me that my body did not belong to myself. The pruned me into believing I was to follow all her rules. At age four she began teaching me how to please a man, by age eight she was selling me out to the highest bidder. But there were rules I had to follow.

No talking back
The costomer is always right
Protection is a must
Listen to your mother
Spread your legs and pretend it feels good
Big money gets bigger free range
Don't talk back

I thought it was silly to have that one in there twice when I was little until she beat me with cane for saying I didn't want two costomers at once. When I got a bit bigger sharted having her boyfriend of the week beat me. But after so many beatings I've learned you don't talk back or you get beat. I became a bit of a robot. Clean myself, take at least ten men a day, clean myself again, go to sleep, repeat. I got a bit of food in between those costomers but overall didn't eat to stay thin. With me making the money mom didn't have to work and became addicted to buying fancy things for herself until she tried cocaine. Then it went downhill really quick she got so wrapped up that she couldn't pay. That's where things turned deadly. Mom was tracked down and they killed her...then took me and sold me off. They kept me blindfolded and tied up the entire time but there was lots of movement. At one point they held a bottle of water to my lips and demanded I drink all of it. Then I was bounced around and put inside something that started moving (which I later found out was a plane).

I fell asleep soon after and when I woke up I was in a cage. When I looked around I didn't recognize anything. All the people were dressed strangly and all had different variations of tan skin. I just stayed curled into my cage until a very handsome man came in. He looled over the other cages, all containing different people and animals. Then he stopped in front of my cage and stared at me. I quickly lowed my head avoiding his gaze as he said something I couldn't understand. Then I was being dragged out of the cage and the handsome man handed the other man something and took off one of his robe things and laid it over me. He leads me to a cart thing and we syep inside. Thereare pillows and blankets made of silk and satin and they are super soft. The man sits down and sigh pulling off more of the shawls wrapped around his shoulders. "..." he says something but I don't understand the language. He lools at me and with a furrowed brow. "Do you speak english perhaps?" He asks and I blink and nod. "Good, good, we will be able to communicate then. What is your name?" I gukp and fiddle with my fingers. "You may call me what you like sir..." I murmur and he frowns. "I would like to call you by your name darling. But I need to know it before I can call you it."

I blink at the word 'darling'. "M-my name is Elliot sir." He smiles and nods. "Very pretty name. Mine is Saleem Javere Reshma Tilmaz, but you may just call me Saleem. You will ve my personal servant and stay by my side at all times, unless I ask you to stay in my room. I must explain a few things so you understand, though. I am a prince of a small country, and my largest priblem is my overbaring step mother who insist I get married and take on six concubine at least. The big problem with this is that I do not fancy women, I like men you see. So there are many women she has lined out for me in my harem right now, and while I am obligated to spend time with them, I am unable to have sex with them because I cannot get an erection. I must pick a female to bare my children at least and then she will allow me to have some male concubines is what she says, but I don't know how true that will be. So you are here to keep me some male company and keep up with the women I'm to see from day to day." I gulp and nod. "But um...I dont...sir I've never even gone to school...m-my mother used me as a prostitute so she could make money." He looks at me with an enotion I can't quiet understand and pats my head. "Do not worry are you able to read and write?" I bite my lip and nod. "A little. Mother had me learn that and basic counting, so I could pay bills and such for her."

He sighs but nods. We stop and my head shoots up to see an amazing building. He helps me out and we head inside, with me marveling at the designs. Once we get to a room he sets me on his huge bed and falls onto it beside me. "You have such pretty hair and skin, I'll have to watch you closely so no ok ne tries to steal you away." He caresses my cheek and I gulp. "If I did not want to go to bed with you, would you force me as well?" He freezes then sits back. "I'm against violence of any kind. I would not force you to do anything you did not want to, not like my family is trying to do with me." I nod and give a small smile. "Thank you." He smiles and nods. "Don't worry Elliot, you are going to be well taken care of from now on."

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