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I flinch as I'm hit a shock of electricity. They really don't know how to give someone a break. I should probably introduce myself. My name is Sebastian and I'm a werewolf, an omega at that. I was taken from my home by hunters after they slaughtered my entire pack when I was seven. Because I was the Alphas last child they kept me, thinking I was an alpha but I wasn't. After that they began experimenting on me instead of making me into a soldier.

Because I'm a male omega they find it fascinating that I can bare children, so they've monopolized that...they bring in rogues and let them...sexually assault me to try to get me pregnant. Its worked three times and once I had the children they took them away, I haven't seen any of them since.

Aftet the second child I kind of lost it and gave up on the though of escaping or seeing my children. Added to the torure and experiments they put me through, along with the rogues some of the hunters also rape me. It's never pleasant and I usually can't walk for a day or two afterwards.

I whimper as they shock me again three more times then shiver when they place the knife on my thigh. "I want you shifted mutt, I need to see the change so I van work more with it. If I can make a serum for humans we could gain abilities from your disease." Even if I wanted to change I couldn't. I'm too weak from giving birth three month's ago and not being given time to recover. I almost bled out and they don't care at all.

Once they realize I won't be shifting today someone tosses me over their shoulder and into a cage. I lay there taking slow deep breaths to keep from passing out. A while later the leader of this horrid group comes over. "I'm pleased to inform you that your oldest child is dead. One less you have to worry about." Then he walks away and I lay there stunned. My oldest was a girl, I her Sydney in my head. She was beautiful even though she came from something horrible. She had my hair color bright blue eyes like the rogue who was her sperm donor. I squeeze my eyes closed and make a last paryer to the moon godess. She's supposed to protect us werewolves and I've seen no help. I've almost given up hope on it all, I've been here for fifteen years and I'm so very tired of fighting for nothing. "If you are real and you can hear me, then I bet of you please at least save my other two children. I'll give my life if I must but save my babies moon goddess.'

I feel myself fading into unconciousness and finally everything goes black. I come awake with a start to screaming. Looking towards the door confused I see the leader vomes in smiling with a visous looking wolf. His eyes are not the usual red of the rogues, instead they are silver, meaning they caught a beta. See, different ranks causes werewolves eyes tk change. Normal wolves will have their own eye color in wolf form. Rogues have red eyes, alphas have golden eyes, betas have silver eyes, and omegas have an unnatural dark blue eye color in wolf form. My eyes widen and I watch them sturggle to get him in a cage. When they finally do so all three men are covered in scratches.

They all leave and I flinch when the beta looks at me. He finally settles down and I look away when he changes back. "Hey, are you alright? How long have you been here?" I shiver and shake my head. "We should be talking. They'll pu ish us." I say quietly. He scoffs and says "they can't hurt me, I'm a beta, I can handle it."

My lip quivers. "Yes, but I can't, they also have my thr-two children." I feel the tears fill my eyes at the mention and he looks at me in shock. "Your and omega...why did you change what you were saying?" I wipe away at the tears and mumble. "My oldest died yesterday, I don't know about my other two. Now please be quiet."

Beta Braxton

I planned my getting caught so we could find these hunters. They've atracked our camp a couple of times and alpha is tired of it. So we made a plan. Once they caught me I put on a big show of roughing them up as they shoves me into a small cage. Once they leave I look over at the small man in the cage beside mine. I change back and ask if he alright. "We shouldn't be talking, they'll punish us." I scoff at his comment. "They can't hurt me, I'm a beta. I can handle it." I see him shiver a bit and he says "yes, but I can't, and they have my thr-two children." My eyed widen when I really look at him. He's tiny, and he must be an omega with how submissive he seems to be acting. And ehy did he stop and change what he was saying? "Your an omega...why did you change what you werw saying?" I ask and tears quickly build in his eyes. "My oldest died yesterday, I don't know about my other two. Now please be quiet.

He turn away and I sigh and look around. Aloha should be here soon with with rest to take this place down. Hopefully we'll be able to help this omega. I watch the omega shift and wince every onve in a while and thensettle down again unmoving. Finally I feel the prodding of the alpha.

"Can you hear me Carson?" I hear in my head and smirk. "Loud and clrear Dominick, heads up though. They have a male omega and two of his pups. They had a third but he said they killed him or her." There's a silence and then a growl. "Okay, well eatch him and make sure they don't hurt him. Are the children with you?" He asks and I shake my head. "No, they've kept the kids away from the omega. I don't know where in the facility they are."

He makes a noise and the link shuts off. "Hey, are you awake?" I aks and see him flinch. "I told you not to talk." He says and slowly roles over. "I know, I know. Just be ready." He gives a confused look and the building shakes. I smile and shake my head. Alpha always has to make and entrance. The door slams open and I shift and growl. "You bastard. I should have known it was tol easy to catch a beta. You let those mutts here." The lead guy sneers. One of the others walks towards the omega and I snarl at him. "Get the omega leave the mutt. We'll move to another location and don't let the omega and the children see each other." I snalr again and throw my weight against the door of the cage. It burt open and I just in front of the omegas cage. No way are they taking him. I don't k ow how long theyve had him but I won't let it continue.

I hear him whimper and growl at the guards. "Well, what do we have here? Was the leader jumping ship? Sorry but we won't allow it." I see Dominick, the alpha walk in, flanked by two warrior wolves. I see a glint of worry in the leader guys eyes and he dashes for the exit but is cut off. The other warrior corners the guys helpers. The Dom walks over but freezes and takes a deep breath. "Impossible..." he walks over to the cage and bends down I look over and watch the omega shyly look at the alpha as he gently reaches into the cage and rubs his cheek. "Kill them all. Don't let a single one escape." It clicks and I give a wolvish grin. He found his mate, finally...and he's been abused for who knows how long, as well as already has pups.

"Come, love. Let's get you out of here and reconnected with yo-our pups." He says and opens the cage, and picking up the small boy, who raps his arms around Dom's neck and lays his head on his chest.

We all walk outside and see the rest of the group trying to calm a three year old and a baby. At the cries the omegas head snaps up and his eyes widen. "Babies." He whispers and wiggles around to get down. Alpha lets him go and smiles as the boy runs over. The three year old see him and his eyes widen. "Daddy!!!" He yells and jumps into his arms. "Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy." He continues to say and he nuzzles into his next. The baby is also placed in his arms and he immediately begins to coo at his dad. I elbow the alpha and smirk. "Your gonna have your hands full. Good luck." After a gew more minute everyone is loaded and we head back to our home.

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