Oneshot 23✔

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Hi I'm Missy and I'm a crossdresser. See I was kidnapped when I was ten and sold to a brothel where they began training me to entertain men. They started me off training with another and after I surpassed him theu began doing tjings to make me even more appealing. I began crossdressing when I was 13, got my nipples and cock peirced when I was 14, at 15 i got me tongue peirced but then they split it instead. I gave up at some point trying to stop them. They would punish me in ways that didn't take away from my beauty like making me orgasm until I passed out or locking me in a room for days on end. They knew I hated that because I'm deathly afraid of the dark.

Anyways I'm waiting for my costomer right now and the ones around me are bothersome. I'm the only one thay does what they're supposed to without complaining. Of course they usually give me the better looking costomers. Some of the boys here got old fat men that were gross most of the time...but that could be because of the behavior they display. A lot of the time they try to sneak away and run off. No one has ever gotten away before, the security is too good.

Mitch comes in and calls my name. I smirk and stand. "Don't give this one any problems, Missy. He's new and also wealthy so be good and do what you do best." I smile and walk in, my breath catches and my eyes widen. This is the most handome man I've ever seen.

His gaze travels up my body and I feel a eush of heat travel with it. "Good evening Sir-" "Master, i want to hear you call me master from those perky lips." I stop and then smile seductively. "Alright, what would you like me to do this evening...master." I practically purr the last part and see and blatenly adjust himself.

"Lets start off slow, I paid for the rest of the evening, and i dont want to rush. What kind of drinks do we have pet?" I shiver at his rough baritone and sway over to the cabinet holding the drinks. "Well as much as most people like the champagne, it's gross to me. How about some rum and tequila shots?" I look behind me and see him staring at me ass and biting his lip. "Like what you see...Master?"

His eyes dialate and he smirks. "So, tell me a bit about yourself?" He says and I can't help but laugh. "Master, no disrespect, but your in a brothel...I was kidnepped and sold to, and I'm pretty sure you only came here for sex. I dont remember my life before this and no costomer wants to here about passed fucks." Something flits across his face before he nods and says "wel then I'll tell you about myself. I was born in Italy and raised there until I was ten. Then my parents were killed and I was taken into a gang. I ended up running away and stowed away on a ship to get to America. Then I proceeded to get an education, found my way to become an American citizen, went to college and worked my way up to becoming the owner of a very wealthy business, I also have work on the side that I do, to keep life interesting."

I bite my lip as I realize I'm sitting with a very interesting and wealthy man. "So, then if your that amazing why are you running to brothels at night to find sex?" I ask and he smirks. "Maybe its not all about the sex..." I look at him strange and he pours another cup of rum for both of us. I don't usually drink so much but with him doing so much talking I have to find something for my mouth to do. After our third round of rum and seven shots, I start to feel tingly.

"So, tell me about this place?" I lay back and smile at him. "I used to hate it. I couldn't understand why someone would be cruel enough to kidnapped kids, sell them to a place like this, and then force them to have sex with oldef men. But I learned that I'm just a pawn in this world. And as long as I play my part and do what I'm suposed to, I wont be hurt. Not like the others here, wjo thing they can run away every chance they get. But really I just gave up a long time ago cause there is no escaping this. Don't tell anybody but I stopped fighting because I found out what they do to you once theyget fed up, or you lose your sex appeal.

"The kids that 'leave' and you never see them again? They take them out back and give em back to the people that took us. I guess their sold into trafficking or something but you don't just go free from here. Thats why i have all the modifications to increase my appeal...I also take care of my body so I'm in perfect shape."

He stares at me for a bit then grimaces. "I hate to do this, cause I don't know what their gonna do with all of you but I have to. I see him pull out a phone and my eyes widen. No one is aloud to bring in any objects that can record. Its so the cops don't get ahold of it and find out about this place. "Yeah, Linder we got it. You can bust the place up, but dont hurt the boys. Turns out they ain't working here, their sex slaves." I try to sit up and run but jerk back. I look down at my leg and see cuffs on my ankle attaching me to the floor. "Y-your..."

I ffel sick when I see him take out a badge. Oh, God. Mitch is going to butcher me. "L-let me go, why are you doing this?" He frowns and says "the side job I have is I'm part of the FBI. We've been tracking these giys for a while and finally found the place. Thanks to you we can shut it down and you boys can go back to a normal life."

I burst into laughter at that. "A normal life? Is this a joke, i don't know what the word normal is anymore! Look at me, I'm a do you ecpext me, expect any of us to be normal!?" By this point I have tears running down my face. "I lied to you. I told you I don't remember my past before here but I do. I lived with an abusive father who beat me everytime he saw me. He let his friends touch me in inappropriate places and laughed when I called out for him to stop them. And you think my life was normal at any part?"

He stares at me and I shake my head. Suddenly there's a bang and lots of screaming. "Let me calm them down. Most of them don't trust strangers and your going to cause a mass panic." He nods and releases me and I run into the room where we all stay. "Guys calm down, its the FBI, apparently their trying to save us or some shit. Just stay in here wait till I come back okay?" They all just nod and as I go to leave Mitch comes in. "You little bitch! This all your fault!" He grabs me by the hair and throws me again a wall. Im already dizzy so i topple ove when he hots me in the face. "You ruined everything! So you can pay with your life." He pulls out a gun and my eyes widen.

Just as he pulls the trigger he's tackled to the floor. "Mitchell Crowell your under arrest for prostitution, child pornography, and owning a brothel. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you-" I stop listening because when I look down I see bloo seeping from a wound right where my underwear and corset don't touch. "M-Master..." i whimper, unsure who to tell. His head whips towards me and everything tilts. I expect to land on the floor but firm arms catch me and lay me down before I pass out.



The poor kid passed out after seeing he was shot. I sigh and watch the others croud around him. Theres one kids who looks about five in the corner and the other vary in age up to about seventeen. Once the medics come in and fix him up they try to help the other but most of them are too skittish. I finally call my sister and she comes in. When he have kids involved it helps to have women around. "Hey...oh my, these poor kids..."

She kneels down and softly talks to them. They slowly, one by one come closer to her. I guess the other caught on because a few more women come in and then there are lots of tears and consoling goong around. "What happened to her?" She asks pointing to boy that was shot. "That's a boy, and the fruitloop that ran this place tried to kill him but I stopped him...your not letting that one go...are you?" She has one of the younger ones in her arms. "He's five, Gio, I think if they let me I'll keep him. Don't think I haven't seen you eyeing the one that was shot. This one says he's the oldest here at ninteen. Though he only look fifteen." I shrug and she goes to help get the children on vehicles. I pick the boy up and carry him out. "You aren't planning on helping too are you?" Jared says and I nod. "He doesn't have family so I figured I'll let him stay with me." He nods and we get everyone ready to go before driving away.

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