Oneshot 31✔

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Ten years old

"I won't raise a submissive. You will be a dominant wolf or fie trying." My uncle says and he holds me down and injects me with the suppressants. He stands up and I try to run off, feeling the tears run down my face but he catches me by the hair and throws me back on the ground. He begins hitting and kicking me yelling that I'm a disgrace and that I shouldn't show my emotions and I finally manage to stop.

He eventually tires out and goes upstairs. I sit there for a while, before standing and going to the mirror in the bathroom. All the bruises are gone but I still geel the ache. I also feel sick from the shot. He began them as soon as I shifted into my wolf, because he believes submissive males have no worth and shouldn't exist. I sigh and go outside to find my two friends. I've been friends with Axel and Cameron since we were babies, and stayed friends, even though Axel is the alphas son and Cameron is an omega. They are sitting in the field we always meet up at and I smile and wave as I run over, forgetting about my uncle for a while.

We run around chasing each other and playing games until I feel a twist in my stomach again and bend over throwing up. I feel dizzy and back up a bit before sitting down. "Ate you okay Maxie?" Cameron asks and I nod, not mentioning the shots. "Yes, I think I just need to lay down...I'm gonna go home now, sorry..." I stand and stumble towards the house, not realizing that this was the start of the strain on our friendship.
18 years old

I sigh and run my hand through my hair looking at the shots. My uncle begab the testosterone when I was twelve and mixed it with the suppressants. But they aren't working anymore and I don't know if I can take a stonger dose. I already have mood swings and the occasional freak out. But I don't know what else to do. I can't let anyone know...they'd look at me differently. After my uncle was killed I continued the shots because I was afraid of anyone finding out.

I don't want them to think I'm weaker than I am. I can feel the affects of not having the shot for a week. It's slow but its happening, and even worse, what will Cam and Axel think...

When I began the testosterone things got worse between us. It was strained because they began hanging out more sinve I was often sick, and then taking both I began to lash out at people. They got closer and started dating and I found myself slipping away. Then at fifteen they found out they were mates...I got drunk at a party one night and jumped Axel for telling me to go home and never drink again. Cam tried to break us up and I raked my claws across his chest.

Now they both hate me and if they figure out I've been doing these things they'll freak. All the side affects make them practially illegal for us. I sigh again and finish putting my stuff away. Someone knocks on my door and it opens. I sniff and tense up. "I don't want to be here, trust me, but Axel says I have to tell you. Your being forced to participate in the mating ceremony tonight. Don't know who would accept you, but who knows maybe they'll like being clawed and fucked." He sneers and I flinch making sure not to turn around. I can't look at them because of it. Our friendship is pretty much done for and I can't appologize without telling them everything. I sigh again, and nod. "Don't want to but fine. I'll be there, tell him I'm going around the border. I'll be back in time for the ceremony." I hear him leave and drop my shoulders, before rushing out and into the woods.

I run the border quiet often, ine becauseno ine else likes to do it and two because I can be by myself and not hurt others. After hours around the border I make it back in time to shower and rush to the field. I see all the fifteen year olds and feel strange since I'm twenty-one. I stand off to the side as an elder talks to the crowd and glance at Axel and Cam. They ar on the other side of the field blatantly ignoring me. "One minute left, please remember if you do find your mate find a place away from others to mate and if not do not give up hope." The elder says as all the teens get excited.

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