Oneshot 29✔

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Your told at a young age not to trust strangers. Stick close to family, trust in them to protect you. And as a werewolf that apllies to your pack. As a pup you rely on the adults to protect you, watch over you and help you grow. And thats what they do. The pack works as a whole to ensure the saftey of everyone...except me.

For some reason I dont have that comfort, the saftey, and love from my family and pack. When I was seven my father came into my room and began touching me. I didnt understand what was going on and only figured out later that what he was going was wrong.

Then it escalated and on the night of my eighth birthday my father raped me. And he has done it to me since. I was turned into the packs whore and refused the right to be alpha. Its a funny see a should be alpha cower in fear of his own shadow. I don't look like an aloha should. At 18, instead of being over six foot I'm about 5'3, instead of being 170+ pounds of pure muscle, im about 80 pounds of skin and bones. They stopped feeding me afyer what father did. And no one speaks to me unless they want to rape me and or beat me. They keeo me locked in my old room with nothing but a matress that they change every year to keep clean when they come in. They dont want to walk around in filth so my room isnt dirty, thankfully.

I'm sitting in my room looking around when the door opens. "Hey son, ready for another round?" My hands shake as he comes closer and throws me into the bed. "You know, you might have made a good alpha, had i not decided to fuck you but who knows. Anyways this is the last time for two weeks. We have guest coming over and we dont want any problems. No one will touch you during the day but when they stay in the guest house at night youll double up with the youngsters, okay?" Then he proceeds to push into me and i cringe in pain.


An hour later he leaves and i crawl off the bed and lay in the opposite corner. Closing my eyes I hope that these next two weeks will pass quickly. I jump when I hear voices outside. "He was born sickly and almost died so we keep him away from others. Alpha doesn't want to lose his only son so he pampers him a bit. Oh course he cant take the alpha position but its alright, we have a few that will be just as good. If you'll follow me to the kitchen..." my uncle's voice fades and i close my eyes again before shooting up as the door opens.

My eyes widen when I see a young pup come in and smile when he sees me. "Hi, they said your the alphas son like don't look like an alpha. I hope you get to feeling better, my brother was really excited to meet an alpha son his age...he was sad when we were told not to come in here, but I never listen to anyone but mama and shes not here soooo." I just stare at this boy, who's an alphas son like me. He must he around eight...but he seems happy. "You don't talk much do you. Oh here candy always make me happy." He holds out a peice of candy and I shake my head. "Suit yourself. Oh I forgot my name is Oliver but everyone calles me Olly. Whats your name?" I stop and think about it.

I know it shounds bad but I don't actually rememver my name. I've only been called vulgar names for 9 years and with the hits to my head i lost a few things. "Well ill figure it out eventu-" "OLIVER SAMPSON! You were specifically told not to vome in h-..." i stare wide eyed at the large man that just came in here. He must he 6'5 or so, taller than my father, he has dark brown hair and two different colored eyes. One the color of grass, the other a crystal blue. " must be the alphas son...its...nice to finally mate you-meet! Its nice to meet you...uhm-" He stops and looks around. "Is there a reason you have nothing but a matress...and why it smells like sex in here." At the end of his sentence he growls.

I shiver in fear and scoot back a bit. "Ryder your scaring him. Stupid head." Olly yells and kicks the man in the knee. My eyes widen when i see the man glare at the pup. "Olly, I'd love to exchange you for another little sibling. Maybe a sister who worships me." He grabs the boy and begins to tickle him. "Ry stop! Haha please sto-hahaha please!" He giggles and I stare wide eyed. If I had kicked one of the men in the pack at that age I would have been ripped to shreds. "Anyways your in trouble for coming in here and dad won't let you off this time. If he gets sick its your fault. I'm sorry if we bothered you Maxwell, it wont happen again." He goes to close the door and Olly waves at me yelling bye before it closes shut and for some reason I'm uncomfortable that the taller man...Ryder...left. I sigh and role over hoping they will all forget about me tonight.

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