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We don't exactly know when it heppened. People suddenly began developing powers. Some right out of comic books. And everyone thought it was great...until, of course, people began using their powers for evil reasons. And of course the good guys and bad guys were formed. Now don't get me wrong. Most of the powers are amazing and are almost like a gift. But to the few who get those really awful powers. That drain you and make you seem like a moster that your not...we see these god awful things as curses. And some ate just luckier than others.

I've been alone most my life. After being born to a single mother I spent the first ten years of my life in a run down house. Then some vrack head broke in one night and tried to raoe my mom. I pulled her away and the moment I touched her...she died. After that I raised myself really and hid in the shadows where no one could get hurt again.

I watched as people praised those with super strength, or speed or other powers while they took down somone with a more twisted power. Most 'bad guys' you saw had strong powers that came across scary. I saw one turn ten feet tall and smash a building. Another could turn to mist that knocks people out. And in the shadows I met the strangest people with the weirdest abilities. But it wasn't until today that people noticed that most powered people hide in the shadows.

I was walking down a street avoiding contact when someone screamed. I look over and see a little girls hands catch on fire. She backs into a wall and her mother I guess is trying to get her to calm down. "Sweetie it's going to be okay. Don't panic." I hear her say and watch as she curls up and flames begin to climb up the wall. Suddenly someone steps forward and puts a hand on the mothers shoulder. "Don't worry ma'am we'll get her help." He then steps forward and spreads his hand and like a sprinkler water splashes the girl and the buolding. Once she's subdued they speak to the mother and the little girl is put into a car. "Yes ma'am we'll take good care of her and help her get her power under control. "Such an awesome thing. To be blessed with a gift like that." A woman beside me says and I snort. "It's a curse. The human race is cursed and these 'powers' are going to wipe us out." I say and the man beside he glares when she gasps. "I'm sorry but who are you to say such a thing?" She says and I laugh at that. "You have no idea where these things came from, or why people suddenly have them. But because a few more people can play hero now its all okay. What about those with horrible 'gifts'. Did you stop to think about what happened to the ones who turned evil. Why they did it? Most of them were normal before this and they were forced by whatever happened when they got their shitty 'gift'. But my all means lets not talk about that huh. Lets live out lives thinking their all just bad people who want to hurt for the gucking thrill of it!" I yell and her eyes widen tremendously. "You can't talk to her like that asshole, she was just stating her opinion." Her, must be boyfriend, says. I roll my eyes and he reaches out but I step back. "Don't touch me, if you know whats good for you." I say and he growls. "Is that a threat?" He asks and I shake my head backing up more. "No, but bad things happen when living things come in contact with me." He sneers and says "I think your just to weak to fight me, come on you pansy, come at me!" My eyes widen when I run into a wall and shake my head opening my mouth to stop him when he grabs my throat. I watch as the light slowly bleeds from his eyes. His skin goes pale and he topples backwards. "NO!" I slide down the wall as people begin screaming. The guy that took the girl runs back over and freezes. "What's going on?" He asks and I vaguely hear the girl crying and yelling that I killed her boyfriend. He reaches down and puts his fingers to his neck but I know he won't find a pulse. I put my head down and slowly begin to shake. They'll have to kill me. They can out me in jail for fear I'll kill someone else so I'll be killed...I gulp and flinch when I hear someone move beside me. "I'm sorry. I told him not to, I told him he couldn't or he'd be hurt and he didn't listen. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." I continue to mumble and he begins saying calming words and telling me its alright. But its not. Another person is dead because of me. "Look, its alright, lets get you back to the institute and we'll figure this out okay. There's no reason to be afraid, you can't help that your gift is." I want to scream that this isn't a gift, I'm cursed and it'll never get better and I don't want his help...but I just stand and follow behind him slowly. "So whats your name?" He asks and I bite my lip. "My mom called me Marcus, but most people call me Sephtis, it mean eternal death." I get into the back with the little girl and she smiles at me. "Do you have powers too?" She asks excitedly. "Yes, mines much different from your though, your gonna be amazing with your cool fire powers." I say smiling gently. Even with being deptessed about my life I tended to help the kids on the street with the strange and scary powers. She beams and says "so whats your power?" I gulp and look away. "Unlike you my power is bad, so I don't use it. When I do people get hurt." She loses her smile and her eyes widen. "Are you a bad guy? But your so nice?"

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