Warped Tour, Part I

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A/N: fun read along version above!

PLEASE NOTE: I imported this directly from Quotev, a site that allows you to put links on the words of your story, which means some words/phrases may be missing! I'm working on fixing this when I have the motivation!

Anywho, enjoy the story! This was a fun one.

"I wish I was a rockstar," you whined, kicking your feet as you sat on your bed.

You scrolled through your favorite website, stopping on a video of Black Veil Brides, your favorite band EVER!



"Maaaaam," you yelled out, half-hanging from your bed. "I wanna go to Warped Tower."

"Okay sweetheart," your mom called up from the kitchen area, completely missing that genius My Immortal reference. "Just make sure you have someone to go with."

"Okay!" you complied happily, but unfortunately your friends all sucked, and none of them could make it.

Which sucked.

Wait, I can go! one of them texted. Parental units just said yes!

Suh-weet! you replied quickly. What're you wearing so I make sure I don't wear the same thing

No what're you wearing?

No you!

No, you!

You laughed a little out loud, and then turned to shout at your mom.

"<insert new best friend's name here> can make it!"

"Okay! When's the concert?"

You told her the day and worked out some other details. Eventually, the day of Warped rolled around.

"Let's go meet Black Veil Brides!" your friend shouted while waiting in line to get inside Warped.

You grinned, adjusting an accessory you were wearing. "We can't now; we're in line," you said, adding her name.

"Yeaahhh but I want you to meet your idol..." your friend whined, hanging on to you.

You laughed a little, perking the attention of a few people close by. One smiled at you (a really good looking guy, I might add) and the other two just resumed doing whatever they had been before.

Warped Tour had always been your favorite concert festival; you loved everything about it. The people, the energy, the atmosphere, the music, meeting band members...

Meeting band members...


You nearly pissed yourself while waiting in line to meet BVB, especially Andy cause he was especially good looking. Especially him.

Meeting BVB was nothing short of awesome; Jinxx, CC, Jake, and Ashley were all very polite but the story's not about them. You got autographs and said how much BVB meant to you, to which they gratefully responded, and finally-lastly-you got to meet Andy.

"Hi," he smiled, taking your CD. "Thanks for coming out."

"T-thanks for all the music," you replied, sweeping a few strands of hair behind one ear.

He grinned and responded quietly, clicking his pen open and signing the sleeve insert.

"Your, um, your music means a lot to me," you began. "The lyrics especially."

A dumb addition; of course the lyrics meant a lot. They were most of the damn song. You felt like an idiot, but Andy just smiled.

"Yeah?" he returned. "They got you through some rough times, huh?"

He spoke this quietly, like he knew the inside of your mind, but maybe he just recognized the way your voice wavered.

"Um, yeah," you said, tears blearing your vision as you held your hands close to your chest.

"Some really tough times..."

Andy nodded, picking up the album again and writing something else down. Something besides his name. "Don't got a lot of time..." he murmured before clicking the pen and handing the record back to you. He smiled. You looked down at the CD before taking it.

His number.



Phone number


You stared at him, seeing his smile again, only this time much shyer.

A fan spoke off to your left, prompting Andy's blue eyes away from you. Someone asking you (rudely) if you could move.

"Uh, yeah," you blinked, stepping to the right. Glancing at Andy again, who also glanced at you.

"Sure. Sorry."

He met your stare one last time, upwards nodding to the CD. A signal to text him when you could, of course.

You motioned with the album. "T-thanks," you said.

He was preoccupied with the fan; some girl with pastel-purple hair and too-short shorts fawning over his voice and "how amazing he was in everything". He laughed a little at that, chuckling with a grin, the light catching his silver lip ring.

"Thanks," he said.

You stared at him for another moment, before hearing your name. Before you could turn, your friend glomped you, gently tackling from behind and throwing their arms around you.

"Did you get some autographs?"

Andy smiled at you again, and Jinxx glanced at you with a small smile of his own.

"Y-yeah," you replied, turning towards your friend. "Let's go get something to eat."

You two walked around, standing at the edge of crowds for local bands and eating some snack food. You couldn't get your mind off Andy, of course. It had to be some kind of prank; some kind of false number. What celebrity gives out their digits to a fan? You didn't know, but you sure as hell were waiting until tonight to find out.

Warped Tour passed by in a blur, ending with Black Veil Brides performing at a large outdoor stage. You were all the way in the back, screaming along to every memorized word.

At home, you sat on your bed, purchased merch surrounding you. The autographed CD sitting in front of you.

The phone number staring back.

Pulling in a breath and holding it, you picked up your phone.

And dialed.

Text: Hey, this is ______. You gave me your number at Warped. Thanks again for the autograph.

You hit send.

And waited.

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