Not for the World

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Andy had moved his fancy Amazon Echo to the main living room, giving a soundtrack of his favorite songs to your heavy lifting.

You three started with the hardest first—moving his couch to the front sidewalk, where some recycling company would carry it away and out of your lives.

"Thanks," Andy said, dusting his hands off before using to pick at a nail. He bit at it with his teeth, you and your bestie waiting at the other end of the leather couch.

You nearly laughed when your blue-haired friend started stretching.

"Why you stretchin' for?" you asked, mimicking her pattern of speech. She turned her head up at you, giving a smile, before straightening and pushing out her back.

"Never know when Juliet'll strike again. Gotta be prepared like the ninja I am, y'know, yo?"

Naruto would be proud.

"No, yo," you replied, just as Andy swore.

"Hangnail," he said, sucking the blood from his finger.

"Oh, ouch," you replied as your friend hissed in sympathy.

"Bummer, dude."

You flicked her right in the bill of her Pierce the Veil snapback, earning a small ouch.

The laughter carried on throughout the day, whether you were sweep up glass, scrubbing down walls, or air-jamming to KISS' greatest hits, you three never stopped smiling.

You wouldn't take that afternoon back. Not for anything.

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now