In Darkness, In Light

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You trailed behind Andy, eventually going down a hallway and stepping into an epic theater room.

You two sat at the front. As the movie started, you reached into the bag of popcorn Andy had made and began to chow down.

You paused, cheeks stuffed with food, and turned towards Andy. He nearly choked on his soda, seeing you like that.

"Nice face, chipmunk."

Your heart skipped a beat; a nickname?

You chewed down your food, gently making noise as you did so.

"Nom nom nom..."

Andy nearly choked again, laughing and wheezing at the same time. You grinned, tossing a piece of popcorn in the air. It hit the space below your eye, reminding you of how graceful you actually were.

You were being weird, but what the heck—you felt comfortable around him.

It was time things changed.


As a light-grey Batman beat up his foes, your focus turned to Andy. You hoped he was enjoying the movie, but it was from his collection of Batman films so he probably was enjoying the flick. You glanced at him, the light of the movie illuminating him, scaring away the shadows from his face. He caught your stare, raising one brow and speaking softy to you.

"Something on your mind, Kitten?"

You blushed a little, and then decided to go for the jugular, flirting-style of course.

"Just your face."

"And my taste in music is your face," he mumbled, turning back to the film and shifting until his arm was on your armrest and his hand was on yours.

You blushed even more, and before you knew it, Andy had directed your face to his with a hand. He moved forward, fingers lifting your chin and gently kissing you, his lips lingering on yours before he drew away completely.

"Any change in thought?"

"A little," you breathed, completely stunned.

Andy laughed, released your chin, and covered your hand with his again.

You just kissed your idol, and he tasted like ash and ice cream.

What was life?

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now