Just a Little Fun

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"So"—You popped another Cheeto into your mouth—"are you going to finally answer my question or do I have to say it for the third time?"

"Say it," Andy grinned, snuggling up to you, head tipped up, exposing his baby blues. "I'll kiss you twice as much and half as hard."

You thought for a moment, chewing on the crust of your countless piece of pizza. And then, instead, you asked another question.

"Have you written any songs about me?"

"Glad you asked." Andy lifted himself up, just enough to retrieve a crumpled strip of paper from his back pocket. He flipped it to you. "It's called Pizza Receipt."

You made a sound, rolling your eyes to the back of your head.

"What?" Andy grinned, then fixed his focus back on the show. "In all seriousness, I have. I've written two, at least."

"At least two?!"

You leaned forward, shutting off the show. "What? What're they called, what're they like?"

"One's acoustic and the other's more like Rebel Love Song."

You squealed in excitement. Wait 'til tumblr hears about this!

Sadly, your blog was abandoned, given how very eventful your life had been for the past few months. You did set that first selfie with Andy as your blog's default photo, though, and a few people had asked about it, but other than that...

"Hey." You poked the top of Andy's hair and held your finger there. "You have a tumblr?"

"You mean a secret blog where I just re-post photos of my gorgeous self?" Andy returned. "No, I'm fresh out of narcissism."

"Damn," you said lowly, hands curling into upwards claws.

Andy grinned, laughing a little.


The evening went smoothly, that is, until you decided to take a bath.

"Oh, whoops, sorry—" Andy slipped into the bathroom, barely fitting into the space behind door and frame. "I gotta bathe my whale of a self—"

"It's narwhal," you said, rolling your eyes. "Get it right."

You just sensed him smirk as both of you ventured into the brightly lit bathroom. Flashbacks came: counting and swallowing all those pills, waiting for death to come.

Andy nuzzled into the empty bathtub, clothes still on and triggering more than you could handle right now.


"Hm? I kinda like this tub, but I'm not sure how I'll get clean...

"Oh, wait." He stood, stripping off his shirt and sending you a wink as the article of clothing was casts aside. You avoided eye contact, blushing like mad...

"C'mon," he coaxed, your name sung in between those lips. "Have a little fun."

So with your mind on every little failure in this room, you stripped down to your underwear, the tub quickly filling with warm water.

Andy lightly whistled, watching you walk over to the tub he still stood in.

All was okay, everything was borderline-fine. You both laying down, your back against his chest and then... Those thoughts came again. One in particular was gnawing at you.

You said it lightly, barely breathing the words.

"I wish I didn't exist."

"Hm?" Andy leaned forward, mouth next to your ear. "What was that?"

"Nothing!" you cooed, twisting back to see his smile. "Just... having a lot of fun!"

He pecked your lips, denying your tongue's entrance as he pulled away.

"I want this to be romantic," he said, nestling back against the tub. "Soft and sweet."

"Tongue isn't sweet?" you asked, settling back against his chest.

"No," he laughed, planting a smile onto your face as well.

Your mom suddenly called you from downstairs, effectively record-scratching whatever moment you were having.

Ugh. How embarrassing.

"Y-yeah, Mom?" you called back.


Your brow rose in confusion. Who would...

"Hey, friend you goin' poop in here or—WHOA TUB TIME"

Your friend lifted a hand to her eyes, red snapback falling behind her as she finished opening the door, the knob banging against the wall.

"Get out of here, you freak!" you screeched, shielding yourself.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll, uh, wait in the hall."

Your face burning, you hastily dried off as much as you could and replaced your clothes.

Could this evening get any worse?


"H-H-Hey." Your bestie walked up to you, prompting a high-high five. You just looked to her outstretched hand, eyes shifting to her face and glaring.

"You know you could have waited outside."

"But then my random oddball personality would be rhuined," she said, head hung low.

You sighed. Whatever.

And you spoke this thought a moment later. Andy was hanging around the kitchen, face still red and honestly adorable with that flustered color.

Your friend followed your gaze, then spoke quietly.

"So have you—"

"No!" you shrieked, just low enough for you two to hear. "God, no. Not yet. it's only been a few months."

Your bestie nodded. "Plus it'd be your first time—"

"Unlike you, you slut."

An inside joke, one your bestie shrugged off.

"If the dicks come knockin', my pussy come poppin'."

You both laughed, prompting a stare and a smile to you.

Andy's stare. His smile.

Maybe the badness was starting to go away. Maybe things were starting to get brighter.


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