Follow Me Forever

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This whole thing was going to suck.

You knew as soon as the sun had set and the guys began to step away from their table, fans still hanging around with lightly saddened expressions. It was almost 8 o' clock. It was time for the band to go on stage.

And then where would you and your friend be?

Alone? Forgotten?

You swallowed down your anxiety, telling yourself you should have known this was temporary. Andy and the guys were just being nice; they probably thought you had cancer or something.

Maybe social cancer...

But from the edge of your sight, you noticed a now-familiar pair of boots. You looked up, watching Andy's smile curve higher. And you smiled yourself.

"We'll meet you back here, okay?"

You practically flipped (internally, of course). You just gave a nod, failing to conceal your ecstatic feelings.

"Yeah," you laughed a little, nodding again. "Sure."

Andy nodded once, still smiling in that soft way of his.


Would there be a Warped Tour, Part III? A "Warped Tour, I love you ______ please follow me forever?"

You did everything you could not to squeal in pure fangirlism.

The grin, however, was on your face wider than ever. You saw Andy look to his bandmates with a smile.

He turned around even further, practically twisting around on the spot, his hands still in his pockets. "We'll be back after the show," he told the waiting fans. "But don't worry about losing your spot, okay?"

Many girls nodded, practically ecstatic in a way that reminded you of, well, you. You did, however, see some nasty glares continue to flick your way.

You only smiled a bit more, and followed Black Veil Brides away from the table.


"That... Show... Was... Awesome!" You threw your hands up, seeing Andy duck his head a little, failing to hide a grin.

"Thanks, fangirl," he said, perfectly kind. You didn't mind the tease, and went with the joke.

"It was even better than last time," you continued. "I mean, not that it was bad before-but-"

"We get it, girlie," Jinxx teased, putting his arm around your friend, who instantly looked back at you with a huge grin.

"We're headin' back to the bus," Andy said, moving his head towards the band parking lot. "You wanna join us?"

"Sure," you said quickly, before coughing and putting your hands in the pocket of your jacket. You decided to try and be funny for once, so you straightened, tilting your chin towards the sky. "I mean, y'know, whatever."

Andy laughed, grabbing the material of your jacket and tugging you along. You lightly staggered, grinning like a love sick puppy.

After a few minutes of silence and awkward stares from jealous passerbys, Andy opened the door to the tour bus, revealing a nice marbled kitchen on one side of the doorway, and a small hallway on the other. Stepping inside, you looked to the left, marveling at the small countertops and shiny microwave. And then you stared down the hall, internally squealing upon seeing their bunk beds, sheets crumpled into waves.

But there was a question that had been bugging you for a while now... Two, actually, but you only found the strength for one.

"So..." You looked up, and he looked back at you. "What happens next?"

He raised both brows, and then a grin overtook his face. "What do you want to happen? It's your call."

Marry me. You kept silent. And then your gaze dropped from him.

Playing with the hands in your lap, you cleared your throat. "Don't get me wrong, I think this is incredible and don't want it to ever end. My life was boring up until now. I just..." Another clear of the throat, a further drop of the eyes. "I just feel like such a fan."

Andy nodded a few times, also looking away.

"I can understand that," he said.

So what're you going to do about it? you wanted to ask, looking up again. He didn't meet your eyes this time.

"You're probably also wondering why you, huh?"

Your heart leaped, your mind screaming YES! Your lips stayed unparted, and the silence stretched on.

A silence that was broken by your friend's shouting, and a loud thump.

"Water gun fight!!" Laughter ensued, and you couldn't help but crack a smile.

Andy tried to stifle a laugh as well, bowing a little with a fist coming to his lips. Lips you wanted so desperately to kiss.

But you needed answers, most of all.

"You never answered my first question," you said.

Blue eyes looked to yours, holding your gaze.

"Uh." He straightened, drawing up to his full height. Tilting his head back and lightly straining perfect neck muscles. His neck rolled in a light circle, bangs staying perfectly gelled as his eyes gently closed. You forgot what question you wanted answers to in the first place.

"I just..."

Loud laughter from three or more people came from outside. And your friend yelling "Got you, got you!" God, of all the times for her to be such a goofball.

You leaned forward, straining to hear.

"You just what?"

The tour bus' door slammed open, nearly jumping you out of your skin. Andy's blue eyes snapped to the entrance, lips straight and unsmiling as bandmates and friends staggered in, soaking wet.

"We should probably go change," Ashley said.

"Ch-Ch-Change, turn and face the strange," your friend sang, throwing her arms up in the air and swaying her hips.

"Is that fucking David Bowie?"

"I'm not David Bowie!"

You burst out laughing, surprised she dropped that Naruto spoof reference with absolutely no hesitation.

"You're such a dork!" you half-yelled to her. She only turned, grinning while giving you the "okay" sign.


Andy only shook his head, once again failing to hide a wide grin. He stood, brushing off his pants. "You guys are way funny," he said.

You practically drooled.

Instead, you cleared your throat, grinning with your fist by your face. Part of your mind, however, couldn't be amused or excited or ecstatic... Your questions were never answered, and two thoughts remained. Why were you here? Why you, out of everyone else?

In all the confusion during the past few days, you found yourself without a souvenir. Something that meant more than seven-random-digits and a text conversation.

You needed outright proof.

"Hey, Andy." You stepped forward as he looked away from the meal he was fixing. Behind him, your friend waited outside the bathroom for Jinxx to finish changing. You saw her turn at the sound of your voice, curiously watching from a distance as you pulled out your phone and continued speaking to your idol.

"Can I... Maybe get a selfie?"

Andy instantly nodded, popping a little bit of cheese into his mouth and quickly swallowing as he stepped close to you. Waiting patiently as you pulled up your camera.

You smiled, positioning the camera high. But Andy was so much taller than you; you couldn't get yourself in the same shot. You heard him grin, laughing quietly once, and then he reached to gently take the phone. He squatted down, tipping the phone forward and getting both of your reflections on screen.


A press of the button, a flash of the screen, and the memory was saved.

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now