Between the Light and the Shade

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"I'm not sure what I ordered," Andy began, walking through the house with you trailing behind, both of you following the sound the door had made, "but I kinda lose track, with the amount of things I get."

"L-o-l, same," you replied and you sensed him roll his eyes at you.

"You're such a nerd," he told you, turning so you could see his smile.

He opened the front door, bending down to retrieve the large thin and square package.

"Huh," he said, flipping over the package to see the delivery information. And then his voice rose in surprise. "Roadrunner Records!! This is Trivium's new album!"

You followed him to the kitchen, and with his permission, you tore open the package with a knife, revealing a blood-red vinyl album.

The Sin and the Sentence, Trivium.

With wide, "Hi Kevin" eyes, you extended the vinyl to him, then pulled it back just as gradually. "Triviumm."

On the fourth extension, Andy gently took the vinyl. "I knnoww..."

"Have you listeenned to it?"


With that said, you plopped the disc on the turn-mat (replacing his green Souvenirs vinyl) and with a press of a button, the needle moved and began to play the album.

"It's incredible," you sighed, and then—startled—looked to Andy. "Not that it surpasses Black Veil, but the guitar work is pretty damn amazing."

Andy smirked, hands in his pockets. "So you're shortening the band name now; I'm not sure if we're on short-name basis."

You stuck out your tongue, and he copied you, eyebrows raising after a moment. You both laughed and you leaned forward, giving a long-ranged hug that he returned. Having to stoop down of course, with his insane height.

You loved this tall bastard. You always would.


You better practice your lines

You better practice your words

I know that real monsters lie

Between the light and the shade

After listening to the album once, you started it over. Andy's vinyl player was amazing, the sound better than you imagined it'd be for an out-dated medium. Maybe you should start a collection yourself...

It doesn't matter what you say or feel
When honest men become deranged, they'll genuflect to a lie

Smelling smoke, you sniffed the air, noticing Andy had lit up a cigarette. Second one today, the first being after you took your first shower. You had to take a second one; something to clean yourself of Juliet's rage. So with the water washing away your memory, you had thought. About Andy, about you and him. How he didn't classify you as a "fan"... It felt nice, to say the least...

You glanced to him again, and crossing one ankle over the other, you asked a question you'd always wondered.
"Why do you smoke?"

He glanced over at you, and then removed the cancer stick from his mouth, shrugging one shoulder.

"We're gonna die eventually," he said. "Might as well go up in smoke."

"What about that thing you were saying, 'All Is One and One is All,' Carry the Creation and everything?"

"Doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves every now and then."

You looked at him, disgusted.

"Does that really taste good?"

He held the cigarette out to you. "See for yourself."

You took the white stick in between two fingers, and inhaled the end closest to you. You coughed instantly, covering your mouth with a sleeve as you tried to suppress the shakes. Andy laughed a little, taking the cigarette back.

"Nice one, Kitten."

"Thanks," you croaked out.

He laughed a bit more, and you punched him in the shoulder. The words of your best friend rang out.

Weak! Your attacks have no effect on me!

It wasn't very effective on Andy, either...

After you were done shaking (healed once again thanks to Andy's laughter and a soothing hand on your back), you stood, wanting something to eat.

You announced this as you moved towards the kitchen, and Andy quickly caught up to you, sticking the half-smoked cig behind one ear.

"Just don't eat the sushi," he said.

You grinned.

"I'm gonna eat the sushi."

"No," he said, calling you by name. "Don't you eat my sushi!"

You ran to the kitchen, Andy's laughter following you.

"Where's the sushi?"

"Plot twiisttt," Andy sang, peering at you from behind the otherside of the fridge door. "There is none!"

You frowned.

And then your brows joined on the glare, making you look like this >:(

Andy grinned, then lightly hit your shoulder.

"C'mon," he said, grabbing his coat. "Let's go out."

A/N: I swear this story is just a plug for my favorite bands rofl. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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