Dig Up the Dead

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You stared at the film you two were watching. Some old, cheesy Batman movie. But it was no time for theatrics now; your idol just KISSED you.

Songs of your childhood played, this time with you and Andy as the star.

Andy and _____ kissing in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

You didn't notice the credits roll until Andy came back from flicking the lights on. He saw your expression, and shot you a confused look.

"You okay?" he asked, speaking your name gently.

"Uh-huh," you replied, completely baffled. You thought back to the broken window, the glass beneath both of you, and decided a kiss was more than enough to change everything. Because now things weren't on a friend-to-friend basis. They were more than that; they were romantic.

Andy sat down at his seat again, a knot forming between his brows as he focused on you, his expression both concerned and confused.

"I hope I didn't ruin anything—"

"No no no," you replied, holding up a hand. It's fine. It's totally cool! I was just, um..."

"Thinking about the kiss?" Andy finished for you, smiling in that way of his.

You coughed weakly, trying to think of something else. But Andy's lips on yours repeated in your mind; the taste, the smoothness, the pressure...

You needed more of it.

But Andy had disappeared again, and when you called out, he immediately responded, his voice echoing out to you.

"Just a minute."

He came back literally a few seconds later, sitting on the floor with a controller in his hand. An Xbox controller.

"You play?" Andy asked you, controller in hand and hand in lap.

"I just play this one game," you told him, sinking down to sit at his level. Why you were on the floor when there was super-comfy chairs right behind you was a mystery.

"Which game?"

"Miner Dig Deep."

Andy half-laughed, choking on his own voice. His grin didn't let up.

"You're kidding," he told you. "I love that game."

"Duudeee. Same!"

Rolling his eyes, Andy turned back to the projected screen. Flicking the analog stick and loading up the selected game.

You couldn't hold down your smile.

"Watch me own at this game," you told him, before pulling your face into a Kissy Cat expression.

Andy busted up laughing, and threw a piece of popcorn at you. It hit your eye. Ah, well. Some things weren't meant to be perfect.

But you and Andy totally were. True to your word, you totally owned at that game; so l33t.

After dying by a freak rock-accident, your character respawned at the surface and ceased to dig deep like the title implied. Andy ended up kissing you, and making out ensued.

He gently took hold of your upper-arms, bringing you into an embrace and rolling until he was beneath you. His hands reached underneath the back of your shirt, trailing your lower-back dimples until both middle fingers rested in the indentions.

You were interrupted by the ring of the doorbell, both of you looking in the direction of the room's entrance.

Two quick knocks had accompanied the ring. A package?

What could it be?

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now