Edge of Eternity

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You awoke to white.

Is this...

No. You heard voices. Familiar ones.


"Thank God." A receding sob sounded, hissed back by worried lips.

And, with that voice you fell in love with, your name was called.

You blinked at the hospital ceiling.

I... didn't

I failed.

Your hand made a fist, clawing sheets and clutching until your knuckles hurt. Until your hand turned as white as this damn ceiling.

"I'm back?" you asked.

"Yes, sweetie," your mom responded. "You're back. You're alive."

"You're awake, babe," Andy murmured, sitting on the edge of your bed.

"How do you feel?"


You just swallowed down the word, and as you stared at this damn, desolate ceiling, you fought back everything your mind told you.

They're here.

The people who love me

I should be happy

And yet...

Hands pulled you upright and arms came around you. First Andy's embrace, then your mom's. Then your father's gentle touch, hand covering yours.

You felt like crying. Not only did you fail your suicide, you now had to live in the aftermath that came with almost killing yourself.

"Please tell me..." I was dead for at least a second.

"You're home." Your mother held the back of your head, her body rocking with sobs. You looked up, seeing Andy's shining eyes and the smile that broke into a grin.

"You're here," Andy said, speaking your name in such a way you felt yourself break and rebuild all over again.

"You're here."


You walked on street with shaking legs.

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now