BBF to the Rescue

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A/N: Came across this picture while searching for a certain alt model. I originally left the appearance of your best friend up to you to imagine, but I saw this photo and I was like... Yes. Yes, this is her.

Also, friendly reminder that _______ is your name!



The worst things come when you don't expect them.

They jump out at you like a monster in the ocean, a shark fin grazing your body. And then that shark hops out, taking you for itself.

You didn't expect that monster when you returned to Andy's house, your best friend parking and following right behind.

You didn't expect two disasters in one day. Things like that just don't happen, and yet...

And yet a hurricane followed the tsunami.

You stared at Andy's living room, the couch slashed into thirds, toilet paper cast across the floor, the question LOST IT ALL?? engraved onto the coffee table with red lipstick. You let out a small breath of relief, seeing it unbroken; you were rather fond of that coffee table.

But the rest...

The rest was as if a hurricane blew through the home.

"Juliet..." Andy breathed, and the grip he had on your hand slipped away. You knew his fingers had curled into a fist, fingers digging into palm and knuckles turning a lighter shade of pale.

"What's—" Your bestie stopped in the doorway, leaning over to see past you before you heard her breath catch.

"What the..."

"She trashed the place," Andy stated, striding into the living room.

"How'd she get in?"

Andy gave a small sigh, leaning over, both hands brushing through thick hair. You watched the tendrils pass one by one, something about it reminding you of blades of grass.

"Back door, maybe," he said, and for the first time you noticed the gaping hole in the back of the room, glass door shattered. You realized Andy was being a little sarcastic.

A flame to numb the pain.

"She's good at jumping fences," Andy continued. straightening and putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Goes back a long ways."

You weren't sure what he meant by that, but he just leaned forward, long arms reaching to the coffee table and one finger smearing the beginning of the lipsticked writing.

"Same shade..."

You just quietly cleared your throat, rocking from one side to the other. Your knee hurt a little, a random joint strained from stress.

You three talked for a moment, light words with lighter meaning. This place was trashed, ruined, soiled with disorganization.

It didn't stop Andy from cleaning, though.

He picked up a few things, fetched cleaner and a washcloth for the unbroken table.

If we stand together, we will be unbroken!

So, getting past the own fog of your brain, you moved. You picked up some of the stuffing from the couch, insides that had been strewn onto the floor. And then Andy stopped you with a gentle touch of the shoulder.

"Let me make you something," he said, quiet. "Tea?"

You looked over at him, gently smiling.


Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now