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With a slow turn, Andy pulled into his driveway. You looked out of your window as the car turned, looking at the front window of Andy's home.

The glass was repaired again, solid for the second time.

You thought of broken shards and bloodied palms. You thought of heartbreak and superheroes and Wattpad fanfiction stories.

You nearly smiled, and then you remembered who you were.

A freak.

A "fan".

A nobody.

So you swallowed down half of a slowly chewed pringle, looking at the half-eaten chip between two fingers.

You sighed internally, and as Andy opened your door, you forced yourself to take his hand, the one that was offered to you. You stepped out of the car, walking on solid ground again.

Even after getting ready, getting all dolled up, you honestly still felt like shit.

All is One, One is All.

No matter what, nothing we do has meaning.

Andy caught your stare, your blank gaze snapping to attention as he smiled.

"You know what we need?" he asked.

"iHop?" you referenced, earning a smile at the inside joke.

"Outdoor concert. It's time to play a show."

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now