Daylight & Cigarettes

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You awoke to the sound of rain pattering against the window.

You stretched out legs that were still cozily covered by sheets, you rotated half your body, thinking Andy would be there...


He wasn't.

Eyes opening, you stared at the spot, the subtle indentation his head left on one of the pillows.

It felt like the crack of dawn. Where could he be?

"Andy?" And your voice reverberated off the walls and back to you.

Slipping out of bed, you padded your way into the hall, following the sound of Andy's voice. He sounded... exasperated. The exact words, however, were muted between the walls.

You followed the sounds into the kitchen, and this time, those words rang clear.

"Look, we're done. We're not having this conversation... Bye."

You watched as he hung up the phone, voice lingering inside the kitchen's walls.


"Andy?" you said again, and this time, he spoke back. He turned around as he said your name, and you gave a small smile.

"Who was that on the phone?" you asked.

"No one important." And just with his smile, your doubts melted away.


The afternoon passed by in a blur of video games and pizza. But when Andy lit up a cigarette, crust of his tenth pizza slice on a napkin in front of him, you muttered a question.

"Why do you smoke again?"

Your eyes remained down, staring at the corner of the open pizza box between you two. You didn't see Andy shrug, but you heard his voice, words spoken just as quietly as yours.

"We're gonna die anyway," he responded. "Might as well feel good while we can."

"But it's dangerous," you said, meeting his eyes. "Smoking is, like, one of the worst things you can do to your body."

With a roll of his eyes, he twisted the lit stick into the pizza crust. "Why do you care, anyway? It's not your lungs getting damaged."

But I'm kissing cancerous lips!

You kept silent, lips shut tight. He continued to raise one brow at you, and the conversation closed as he sighed, standing up from the theater floor. The video game in front of you two remained paused, and you watched the light of the projector dance across Andy's form.

"You wanna go for a drive?"

"To where?"

Andy gave you a smirk, reaching one hand out. You took it, offering his help, but part of your mind stayed on all those chemicals coursing through his body.

How long would his strength last, with so many toxins?

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now