Delete, Repeat

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You stretched out, empty plate and eating utensil in front of you. A place to sleep was on your mind, but after what had just happened, you weren't too sure Andy's bed would be off limits.

You nearly laughed at that thought. Like he would ever-

"You wanna take the bed?"

Your eyes shot to his.

"What?" you returned.

Andy made a motion to the ceiling.

"Guest bedroom," he replied, some food trapped against his inner cheek.


"Oh." the word fell from you absentmindedly. You leaned back, toying with your utensil. Rolling it horizontally with your thumb and forefinger. "Y-yeah. Sure."

Why was it so hard for your heart, or more specifically you as a whole to calm down??

You swallowed nothing but spit, eyes glancing up and suddenly being held to look straight ahead. Straight at Andy, who was only looking at you.

A smile graced his face, and your cheeks burnt with embarrassment.


The guest bedroom was nice; nicer than you expected. You took a few steps in, slipping the backpack from your shoulder and dropping it by the doorway. With a slumped posture, Andy stepped in as well, a small smile on his face.

"So this is it," he said. You could do nothing but smile a bit more and nod.

"Thanks," you said in more than a whisper.

He nodded, and began to turn away. You looked to the bed once more, and when you didn't sense Andy moving, you looked back to him.

He stayed in the doorway, eyes on you, the small smile on his face still there.

He motioned with his head, making a reference to somewhere past you. "Feel free to test out the bed," he said, and once again you blushed, holding his eyes.

"Y-yeah," you replied. "Thanks."

He nodded again, giving one last smile before disappearing through the doorway. You watched his long fingers slip away from the frame, leaving you alone with a new room and ever newer thoughts.

As you sat down, gently testing out the bounciness of the bed, you thought back to Andy. What you knew about him, what you were quickly discovering. It was nice, being like this, but what would it lead to? Just friendship?

With the smallest of sighs, you unhooked your accessories and laid down, sheets beneath you. Crossing one ankle over the other, you tried to relax, eyes heavy as they closed. You were almost asleep, when...

"You never did tell me what you wanted..."

Your phone blared its ringtone, prompting you awake. You dug into your pocket, bleary eyes squinting at the screen and fogged brain confirming who it was.

"Hey," you said into the speaker.

"Hey yourself, Mrs. Biersack," your friend responded before going overly fangirl. "So-how is it?? Is his house huge? Everything you've ever dreamed?"

"Yeah." You almost sighed the words. "It's fine."

"What's wrong, BFF?"

"I'm..." Your words stopped there, brain too preoccupied with thoughts of insecurity. Trying again, you got out a few more words. "I'm... not sure what to do."

Your friend was patient, listening as you gathered the right syllables and displayed them to her in full. Listing all the reasons why this was your perfect dream and worst nightmare.

Did Andy have feelings for you?

What did it feel like, to be rejected by the guy you'd loved for years?

You didn't want to find out, but on the same token...

"What would you do?" you asked into the phone, and then couldn't help but finish quoting the song. "Do you know?"

Your friend knew the lyric, and with a smile in her voice, continued on. "I once had a grip on everything, it feels better to let go."

Yeah. Maybe that was the secret formula. Just let go...

"Thanks," you said into the silence.

"Sure thing."


"Feel free to use the shower," Andy said, fingers combing through hair, one hand leaving to motion to the ceiling. One of the upstairs bathrooms.

Okay, that was definitely worth looking into.

"Uh, thanks," you got out, feeling your cheeks burn. Damn embarrassment—not now!


He turned, attention leaving the dirty dishes and running water. Attention settling on you as you stood nearby, hands holding one another behind you.

"I was just wondering..." Here goes nothing... "Why you invited me over?"

His smile came easy. But whether it was a smile to a friend or something more, you didn't know.

"So you didn't have to stay in a crappy hotel," he answered, turning back to scrub a plate. There was clear laughter riding underneath his words, and his voice sent a small smile to your voice.

"That's it?" The words felt like venom for you to say.

He glanced at you, one hand running through his hair again.

"Do you... want another reason?"

You paused.

With a small nod, you silently answered him.

Some part of Andy changed then; a thought went through his head, causing color to fade into his face.

"I like you."

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now