Clearly Interested and Closely Listening

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Warped Tour passed by in a blur of music, laughs, and friendship. It was nothing short of incredible-an experience you'd never forget. Ever.

But eventually, all good things must come to an end. And thus the final day of that year's Warped faded to a close.

So the next step, of course, naturally, was for Andy to invite you to his house.

You practically pissed yourself, putting it lightly.

"W-What?" you asked.

Andy grinned. "Well, we're all the way out in California, and you don't have any place to stay. Getting to the airport and everything would just be a hassle."

Dear God, you truly were in heaven.

You did your best to hold down a smile, nodding a little while he grinned. He flipped his sunglasses down, and with a quick wave to his bandmates and friends, you two were off.

Andy started the car, and with one hand on the wheel, he motioned lazily to the pretty stereo system.

"If you've got anything you wanna play, just hook your phone up to the Bluetooth. I don't mind."

You paused. The only thing you were listening to lately was Black Veil Brides. Grinned, you had an idea.

"Well," you began, scrolling through lists on your phone. "There is this one band that I'm, like, super into"-you glanced over, seeing Andy inventively nodding along, clearly interested and closely listening-"so maybe I'll play some songs by them?"

"Who are they?" Andy asked, but the first song was already playing.

"We scream, we shout, we are the fallen angels."

He grinned, forehead finding the steering wheel. "Of course..."

Laughing in that way of yours, you quickly switched to something else. A playlist of Stick to Your Guns, Mansions, and The Story So Far.

The car ride was nice. The wind kept blowing through your hair, and more than once you caught Andy staring at you. Feeling completely free, you laughed, sending a smile to both your faces.
It was nice.

You quietly set your bag by the door, looking around at all the intricate details surrounding you. This house was nice, but of course it was. He did live in Hollywood, after all.

You looked over to the man on your mind, watching him set a disc on his record player. He closed the plastic dust cover, finger pressing a button and feet walking away as the needle moved to the edge of the record and dropped. Upbeat rock music played, and you couldn't help but notice it wasn't something you'd heard before.

"Who's this?" you asked, shrugging off your jacket and hanging it where he pointed.

"Souvenirs," he said. "Thanks for taking your jacket off, by the way. A lot of friends just leave it wherever."

You two exchanged smiles at this; Andy ducking his grin and you blushing your face off.

The afternoon was nice. You two ordered your favorite food (which, coincidentally happened to be the exact same thing), and talked over your favorite drinks (which, coincidentally, actually weren't the same things).

Close to five-o'-clock, you remembered you needed a shower.

You actually had showered in the tour bus, once or twice, but you hadn't taken one today.

You two were chilling on the couch, TV spouting ads at you, when you dropped the question.
"Um, is it okay if I, uh, take a-"

"A shower?" Andy asked, and his eyes went wide. "In MY goddamn house?!" He grinned, perfectly pleasant. "Of course. No problem."

You grinned right back. Standing, you thanked him.

He jumped up from the couch. "Yeah, I'll get dinner ready."

Your face went red. Were you two married or what?

You decided on the same things for dinner. Before you spoke your preference, a heart-melting smile came to Andy's face.

"We'll say what we want at the same time, ready?"

You nodded, failing to keep down your smile.


"Two..." Your smile became a grin.

"Three! <Favorite food>."

You actually squealed, putting your hands to your mouth. And then your head fell, hands hiding your red face.

"I am so sorry for making such a horrible noise."

Andy was too busy laughing to say anything in reply.

You quickly retreated to the guest room, where a clean shower was waiting for you.

As you soaped up, your mind finally caught up with everything. This wasn't a dream; that much you knew. You definitely would've woken up by now.

You thought about the questions Andy and you had raised a few weeks ago, while in the BVB tour bus; why you were here. Why you, in particular.

You weren't sure what to do, especially when it came to your purpose in Andy's life.

You thought about going out in a towel. Making the first move; shifting from friends to something more serious. The worst thing he could do was get disgusted, kick you out, and then you would call your best friend and have her pick you up. Get another road trip back home.
You weren't sure what was going to happen next, but something about it bugged you.

You tried to ignore it.

A/N: Short chapter, but I hope you guys liked it! I just had to give a special shout-out to one of my all-time favorite bands, Souvenirs!

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now