Author's Letter

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I babysit little boys for extra money.

(I'm only using the first syllable of their name for anonymity, not irony.)

G doesn't speak, and has awful separation anxiety. He's two.

JL lashes out frequently, no matter who you are. It's foggy whether he's questioning authority or begging for attention. He's five.

Le. (I wasn't about to call him L.) doesn't know wether to do like his brother, JL, or stay his sweet little self. He's two and a half.

C is the ultimate angel and doesn't know why the other children misbehave. His veiw on right and wrong strongly mimics Teru Mikami in the sense of "I wish bad people wouldn't exist", and Light Yagami with "I wish everyone was good." It's CREEPY. He's also two and a half.

Now, don't reply to this and say, "Well, they do that because:". I know how to do my job. I know why they say and do that stuff, and I know what to do.

It's that insider knowledge of little boys that I need to write this.

No matter how okay they seem, it might just be a sham.

No matter who they are, they want their loved ones when they're sick/scared. This can apply to any age group.

No matter how happy they are, they know more than you think.

So, love each child like they were your favorite. Hold them like you love them. Listen. Slow down when they are bouncing out of their own skulls. Be diciplinarian, not tyrannical. Pay attention to their opinions, they're people, too. Be nice. Give them a break, not a vacation. Because, when this fails, problems happen. With little kids, problems mean stains and tears on their (mental) canvas. Stains and tears do not just disappear. Wouldn't you rather leave an acrylic-ed flower on that canvas? Or maybe a watercolored flourish?

It sems our Wammyboys have damaged canvasses. This isn't anyone's fault, the blame is shared.

That is all.



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