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"I couldn't tell you a definite diagnosis, but it's something on the Autism/Aspberger's Syndrome. I couldn't precribe anything... but I can't think of a specific therapy to help him."

"My guess is something to do with Autism. Keep an eye on him, it's not too bad, but it may get better, maybe even without treatment."

"I would bet money on something on the Autism spectrum, or a mild dumbness."

"Tell me about these puzzles- any texture? Bright colors? He is very attracted to them..."

"Not speaking now? God save- he looks dreadful. He only wears that? What are you- Why is he sitting like that? You might have gotten yourself into more than you bargained for this time: I- please don't become offended sir- I believe he may be retarded, or have a similar deformity."

"Oh, look at it- don't touch that sweetie, here's a toy more suited to you. Sir, I don't think there's much to do. He has spoken, yes, but watch him. He doesn't like the toy, refuses supper... I couldn't tell you what to do."

"This isnt too uncommon in abused infants, some suffer permanent brain damage."

"Bruising? It looks self-inflicted, you should take action before his violence escalates. "

He spoke out.

"Are you sure? Are you all sure? He only does that as a quirk, not to be rude- he knows better. He doesn't speak- oh, we scolded him, that's why he's been particularly shy. He fell down and bruised. All young boys do. He likes the puzzles to solve the damn things- they're made out of wood! The shirt suits him and he feels comfortable, what of it, Doctor?"

They paused before she spoke up.

"It's just so strikingly abnormal... but if you insist, there is seldom physically wrong with him."

Liberation only came from the confessors, not the confessional, and not the priest.

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