Average Childhood Illness Scare Part 4

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[Don't tell me he's out of character until you understand the dynamic. He's not supposed to remain stoic, because being ten and scared doesn't let you act as you normally would.]

Then, the phone rang.

Roger had answered it first, but sent it to the line in Quillish's bedroom, where Kendrick and L were.


"Yes, Kendrick?"

"It's me."

"I won't be home until tomorrow afternoon, and I'm starting to worry. How is L?"

"Mr. Wammy, do you want the truth?"

"I take it it's not particularly good news?"

"No sir, it's not."

"Well, then yes, I want the truth."

"His fever hasn't gone down, he's got a..." He was about to say dry, but it had changed."...cough, and he can barely hold down water. I'm sorry."

"Don't be... Is he busy now?"

"No sir."

"Would you hand him the phone- No, just hold it for him, I don't want it to catch."

And so he turned the volume up, and held the receiver towards L.


"L? Is that you?"


He was still sounding funny, and speaking softly. He didn't even want to sit up to speak. When Kendrick helped him sit up, he had a coughing fit and leaned against Kendrick for support.

"How do you feel?"


"Are you going to be okay?"


He didn't say anything. Ken'dy heard Mr. Wammy's signature worry breath: breathing in, holding his hand to his mouth, and releasing the breath through his nose.

"You're going to be just fine, L. I'll see you tomorrow."


Kendrick wasn't expecting it at all, and so was a touch slow to respond. L burst into tears, and Ken'dy was sure Quillish had heard it, which would only make him worry. So he slammed the receiver in place on the phone, and held L to his chest.

"Shh, shh... tell me whas'a matter."

L stayed speechless, but continued to hiccup and sob into Kendrick. It sounded different from last night, the cliché word that came to mind was "worse". When he did speak up, his voice was tired, and it sounded uncomfortable to make any sounds, let alone speak. He had been exhausted, he hadn't slept well that night with Ken'dy.

"Wh-What if I die?"



Kendrick saw he had scared the boy completely with that one little word, and picked him up so that he could be carried with his hot head on his "big brother"'s shoulder.

As he carried L out of the bedroom, a polar change occurred. A gentle and compliant boy turned savage and panicked, sending fists and feet flying everywhere. His cries turned into hollow screaming worthy of Stephen King's writings. The boys who were studying in their rooms all ran out into the hallway.

Then, L freed himself from his grasp and tried to make a run for it, only to trip and fall on his pajama pants leg. The older boys knew to keep the younger ones away from L, on the opposite side of the hall. One of them called out to Kendrick.

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