Dona es Requiem

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[Italics mean sung, perhaps as a group, use context. Some use it for thought, I'm not. These words are latin, and the two songs highlighted are "Salve Regina", and "Pia Jesu", of course.]

"Salve Regina..."

The first of the two coffins was already precessed in, it was early morning and the sanctuary was flooded with rays of light adorning the beautiful flowers. Word had rung it's loudest toll, the boys of Wammy's House knew their father to be dead, and also the detective known as L. The younger boys didn't know either extremely well, but given that they were also orphans, knew what to do during a funeral and funeral mass.

"...mater misericordae; Vita dulcedo,"

Oh, the service was nearly over. Mello was needing very badly to loosen the necktie that had been put on him by a senior resident, and was dreading the coming of the afternoon. The prayers had been said, a tear wiped away, and that was all there was of Quillish Wammy. It was to be buried at high noon, before L was to be...

"et spes notre salve. Ad te calmamus, exsulses, filii Hevae."

...laid to rest.

"Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle."

It was a tearful funeral, crying boys and crying men and crying, crying, staff. Crying.

Mello was saddened, he told himself he was, he'd never get his answer...

...but he wasn't supposed to think of the question...

"Eia ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte."

... Father said it was vain. The sisters agreed. Sister Mary Margaret said it was "AVARICSEEEE!", but she was coming down with a touch of dementia. Mello didn't want to fuck with the church. But, how can he serve the Most High when he was on the bottom? Mary this, Jesu that, Abraham hit him with a baseball bat. He gripped the pew lightly, needing it for balance suddenly.

"Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tuis nobis, post hoc exsilium ostende."

"Mello... you have a pleasant voice..."

Near, who was whispering to him softly, had been acting weird for a few days.


Earning a hasty and violent response spat out through the heavenly prayer.

Matt elbowed Mello in the side, hearing the quarrel budding.

"O clemens, O pia, O dulcis, Virgo Maria."

"Pie Jesu..."

Mello's head began to swim as the casket entered. Not "Pie Jesu", "Santa Regina" or whatever it was called was bad enough for Mr. Wammy...

"Pie Jesu..."

The nun that directed the all boy's choir sang lead, her song well-preserved through age.

"Pie Jesu..."

The looks on the other sisters' faces, and the deacon's, were looks that churned Mello's stomach, or would had it not already been churning.

"Pie Jesu..."

He moved to put his hand across it, but removed it to take hold of his pocketed rosary.

"Qui tollis peccata mundi..."

They didn't approve.

"Dona eis requiem, dona eis requiem."

A picture was being quietly passed around, out of the Father's sight, an old polaroid.

"Pie Jesu..."

It was a sunny day in that picture, L sat on the dusty floor of one of the vacant auxiliary rooms above the gymnasium, the light gushing in, and leaving a sharp silhouette from the viewing angle. The pale face was almost recognizable, almost lit enough, and his eyes were almost shining. He played gently with a small car on top of a strewn out puzzle.

"Pie Jesu..."

He looked so young in that picture... probably younger than Near was. The moment was further highlighted by the boy's choir joining the Sister in the mournful cry.

"Pie Jesu..."

The procession with the body was remarkably slow moving. Mello began to seriously regret the dry chicken he put in his mouth for lunch after the first funeral.

"Pie Jesu..."

Various staff and seniors had joined in singing very quietly. Nursey, straight and strong, exercised poor posture over her rosary and another object in her hands. Yes, Quillish Wammy's [Boys] Home for Intellectually Gifted Orphans was a Roman Catholic organization.

"Qui tollis peccata mundi..."

Matt was looking over at Mello with a concerned look, and Near turned, too, to see what was the matter. Mello waved them off, he felt fine...

"Dona eis requiem,"

One of the pallbearers at the head of the coffin came close to keeling over, the coffin shifting slightly, and the poorly sealed hinge flapping ominously. Near jolted as his immediate left gave a strong gag.

"Dona eis requiem."

But, peace was restored, one of the boys reaching up to firmly latch the closure, and the precession continued.

A string quartet continued, abandoning it's role as accompaniment temporarily and carrying the melody.

Mello struggled softly to quiet his stomach, and felt absolutely sick when he had. Matt set his hand softly on Mello's shoulder, and asked him with a practical breath if he needed to use the restroom.

"No... It's fine."

The body was laid on the specialized table, and the song continued.

"Agnus dei, agnus dei..."

Harmony was abound, but sobbing began to bleat through the attendees, making the song all the more despairing.

"Agnus dei,"

Near was quiet, and showed remorse. Mello wiped a tear away, grimacing at his painful affection to his predecessor. Matt may have been praying, maybe not, but his eyes were closed, unguarded by his signature goggles.

"Agnus dei..."

The light was less dependable, the windows lacked their gleam, but no rain was heard. The gloom of November had arrived just for the purpose, it seemed.

"Qui tollis peccata mundi..."

A strong longing to collapse into tears like a small child overwhelmed the blonde... how was he supposed to show himself now? Near was all L got to see... he himself could do things, too... It was nearly obvious who would be the sucessor to L.

"Dona eis requiem, dona eis requiem."

It was all over. And, Mello lost. It was all for naught.


He was the loser. Worthless. A pained sob began to escape the lips of the blonde in the middle as he put his face in his hands, but his comrades were saddened, too, and did not react immediately. Mello thought fleetingly to his father and his uncle, Danil. He was nothing special, after all.


It continued, and Matt pulled his friend into a hug until the blonde felt he could wipe his tears away. That was what friends were for, right? Mello wiped the palms of his hands down his dark greay trousers and looked up at Matt. Near was quietly watching the priest step down, as well as the two other boy's exchange, all without making himself completely known.


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