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[Scroll to the most recent date at the end]


Totally bored and uninspired... HELP ME! Will dedicate the chapter to you.

11/17 Taking AU requests! Got a few thought up, but feel free to ask for your own idea. Response (at least, if not a finished thing) guaranteed!
-Wammy House Bullying
-Mentally Ill L
-Quillish adopting them straight up.

11/25 Still no requests. C'mon! I'll do anything you want (within reason)! Thinking of The Fault in Your Logic still, and have a great idea for if Watari pushed him out into the real world... Do you guys want to see them? Comment, vote, inbox!

12/16 Really? Hit me up with requests! Been writing Cheating Gods of Death chapters slowly, decided what kind of revising Euphonies of Need and Development needs (massive addition, don't read it until I say, it sucks as is), revising L: Find A as I see fit, taking suggestions for a new title, and I still ask for prompts! Give me what I ask for! Pushy are we? Yes.

1/3 IN DIRE NEED OF REQUESTS. Just joined a new fandom... Homestuck. It's not DN right now (I haven't even met the trolls), but I need something to pull be back here. Need to get back on a roll, y'know?

1/13 ALMOST 700 READS! From about 570 when Rostock was published two days ago to 699! What the heck? Keep it up! Still talking requests, haven't been given any, and I would like to ask you new readers what you would like to see. I do need to write some Near, though.

3/1 1.2K READS! Also, the "final" chapter was published! THIS DOES NOT MEAN I WILL STOP WRITING FOR THIS. It means, that there will be no chapters ordered after that. The order of chapters is how I intended it to end when I planned this originally. It's perfect. That said, I am still taking requests.

Thank you!


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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