The Beginning

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Hello! This is my first every story. I hope you like and if you want to write a story based on this please ask me first. Thanks!


Marinette Dupain-Cheng was walking home from school when it started to rain. Marinette search through her bag looking for her umbrella but realized that she left it at home. Marinette groaned and started to walk home again.

When Marinette got home she saw that her parents weren't home and that there was a note on the refrigerator. 

"Marinette, We went to Britain on a special run for more of the chocolate that we use. We will be back around next week as you know that it takes a while to get the chocolate. We love you! Love, Tom and Sabine."

"Great!" Marinette exclaimed, "Now I cna invite Alya over."

Marinette grabbed her phone and texted Alya 'Can you come over?? My mom and dad went to Britain to get the chocolate that we use from our pastries and won't be back until next week.'

While Marinette waited for Alya to respond she went up to her room and gott changed into dry clothes.

Ding! Marinette checked her phone to see what dinged. It was Alya. 'Sure! When do you want me to come over??'

'Now ok??' Marinette texted. 

'Yup! Should I bring anything??' Alya texted back.

'Can you have a sleepover??' 

'Let me ask.' 'Yup! Let me get my stuff and I will come right over.'

'Yay! Thanks Alya!'

'No problem! I'm always here for you.'

Marinette put down her phone and got ready for the sleepover.

Ding Dong!

"That must be Alya." Marinette ran downstairs and opened the door. "Your here!"

"Always!" Alya gave Marinette a hug and then stepped in the room. "Nice house."

"You've been here before Alya." Marinette rolled her eyes.

"I know I just can't get used to it. You guys keep it so clean and then my house is all messy." Alya said matter of factly.

"Well that's probably because I don't have younger siblings." Marinette said.

"Yup!" Alya laughed. "So let's get this sleepover started!" 

"Ok, I got chips and we can watch movies or play video games. Which one??" Marinette asked.

"Movies. Do you have ice cream??" Alya said.

"Yes but why do you want ice cream??" Marinette asked.

"Because theirs a specific movie I want to watch. I like eating ice cream with these types of movies." Alya stated.

"Ok. what's about??" Marinette asked while getting out the ic cream.

"It's a surprise." Alya said mischievously.

"Which type of ice cream??" Marinette asked.

"What type is there??" Alya asked.

"Rocky Road, Cookies 'n' Creme, Chocolate Chip, Mint Chocolate Chip, Smore's, and Unicorn." Marinette read off the names of ice creams she had.

"Dang girl! That's alot of ice cream." Alya said.

"Yeah it's for the pastries, now which one??" Marinette stated.

"Unicorn." Alya said and flipped through Netflix.

Marinette grabbed the ice cream and started putting them in bowls.

"Girl what are you doing??" Alya asked.

"I'm getting us ice cream." Marinette said.

"With this movie we eat it out of the package!" Alya exclaimed.

"What! Why??" Marinette asked.

"Because that's the type of movie!" Alya cried franticlly.

"O-ok." Marinette stuttered and put the bowls back and grabbed two spoons.

"I found it!" Alya said and clicked on it.

Marinette sat down next to Alya and gave her a spoon.

"Thanks girl." Alya said and started eating.

"Yw." Marinette said and started eating too.

Marinette and Alya watched the movie. It was a sad movie so that's why they needed the ice cream. 

When they finished watching the movie they put the ice cream package in the garbage, because they ate all the ice cream, and headed up to bed. They told jokes and some stories and then said good night and went to bed. What they didn't know was that someone was watching the whole sleepover. 

That someone was Chat Noir.


That's it for this chapter. Sorry I left it on a cliff hanger. I just like cliff hangers and it's fun to do it to people that don't know what's going to happen next. I will try to post the next chapter soon but I doubt that will happen with school and everything. I hope you all have a Miraculous day! 

Rainbow, Sparkle On!

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