The Hideout

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Hello! I'm sorry I didn't upload sooner but with school I didn't really have time but now school is done and summer has started and I can finally upload more. I have had some comments asking me to upload again so.... Here I am!!
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and have a Miraculous day!
I woke up at noon. I got up and went down to the kitchen/family room part of my house. My parents were still gone in Britain for the chocolate they use so I had the place all to myself. I got out the pancake mix and started making some pancakes for myself.
I was putting the batter onto the griddle when I heard a knock at my door. I put the rest of the batter that was in my measuring cup on the griddle on went to open the door.
"Hel-" I realized who was at the door. "Chat Noir?? Why are you here?? You always come from my bedroom trap door."
"Sorry Purrincess but I need to hide here. Can I??" Chat Noir asked
"Ummmmmmmm...... Suuurree." I held the door open for the Chat.
Chat Noir came in and jumped on the couch. He looked around like he was looking for a place to hide.
"First of all, GET OFF THE COUCH!!! Second of all, who are u hiding from??" I asked.
"I'm hiding from......Rena Rouge." Chat Noir said as he jumped off the couch. "And u were the first person that I thought of."
"Oh. Thanks I guess." I turned toward the griddle. "Shit! I forgot about my pancakes!"
I ran toward the griddle, took the spatula and took the pancakes off  the griddle.
"That was the last of the batter too!" I exclaimed
I took the plate of pancakes that were not forgotten and set the on the coffee table.
"Why are you running from Rena??" I asked
"She found out about that incident on the balcony." Chat looked at the pancakes hungryly. (A.N. I don't know if that is a word but I'm going to use it. Hopefully y'all know what I'm saying.)
"Go ahead," I said as Chat took a pancake, "I mean it's not like we were trying to hide it. Alya found out just by getting a book. Anybody could have seen us if they tried. Plus Alya might have told Rena. She knows her better than anyone."
"True. But now Rena's bugging me about it. Asking of I like you or not." Chat went for another pancake.
"Oh." I blushed then looked away. I didn't want Chatton to see my redness. "What did you say??"
"I um... I said I don't know." Chat looked down at his pancake.
"It's OK Chat. You don't have to tell me. If you don't know then it's fine. I know that it's about me but you don't need to tell me if you don't want to. That night was in the past so let's try to forget it. Ok??" I touched his arm and smiled.
"Thanks Mari. That meant a lot. But I really don't know if I like you. It's.... Complicated." Chat hugged me.
"It's fine. You don't need to tell me the details. I'm fine with just what you said." I hugged him back.
"Ah ha!! I knew it!! You too are together!!" Rena Rouge cried from the window.
"Not again!" Chat Noir sighed.
"Al-Rena!!!" I cried!!
Chat Noir and I broke apart and looked down at our hands. Rena Rouge climbed through the window and lifted our heads up to her eyes.
"You two are so cute together! Stop hiding it and kiss already!!" Rena smiled and waiting to see what was going to happen.
Chat and I looked at each other all surprised and our faces heated up.
"We aren't going to kiss Rena!! Leave us alone!" I cried.
"Ohhghh so that you could........" Rena gave us the 'you know what' face. 😏
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" I exclaimed and put my head in my hands all embarrassed. Chat just sat there red in the face.
"Fine! Y'all are no fun!" Rena sighed. "Are you at least together??"
"No!" I said.
"Then why were you hugging??" Rena asked
"Cuz Chat Noir didn't want to deal with your bullshit! He came here to escape from you so that you would stop torturing him with questions about us! Then he said that he didn't know if he liked me or not and I said it's fine if he didn't know! I don't know either!" I quickly went redder and put my hands over my mouth.
"Oh ho hoooo!! So you do have feels for each other!" Rena winks
"Omg! WE DON'T KNOW!!" Chat and I scream.
"Fine! Whatever. I'll stop now. But I have to go.u transformation is about to wear off and I don't want to reveal myself to you guys." Rena Rouge says."Bye!"
And with that Rena Rouge  leaves us to eat in peace.
When we were done eating our pancakes and watching TV, we talked. We talked about a lot of things.  We talked about food, fave designers, and paints. We even talked about our favorite trees. We talked for awhile. When we finished it was 9 at night and Alya was about to come over for our sleepover.
"Sorry Chatton, but Alya's going to come here soon and I don't think  you want to be here for that." I said
"It's OK. We can talk again soon." Chat answered.
"Yeah. We can." I smiled and led him to the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow??" Chat asked
"We'll see." I patted his head. He had soft hair.
"Great!" Chat smiled.
I smiled back and was about to close the door when Chat Noir stopped it with his foot.
"Yes??" I opened it back up.
Chat Noir then hugged me. I was surprised at first then I hugged him back. "Thanks for letting me stay here. It meant a lot and I found out some things about me and you that I never knew."
"No problem Chatton!" I answered.
We pulled apart and Chat Noir stepped out of the way of the door. I was about to close the door when I  thought of one last thing. I stepped over to Chat Noir, stepped on my tip toes and kissed his cheek.
"Just so you know, I think you would make a wonderful boyfriend." I said blushing.
Chat didnt say anything just stood there looking stunned. I smiled and closed the door.
Thank you for everyone who supports this book. I had a really fun time makjbv this chapter and the book. I'm really sorry again that I didn't upload sooner. I feel bad but I know that y'all are patient and helpful. That you again for putting up with my non-uploading.
Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Have a Miraculous day and night!! Bye little Croissants!!

Alva, Roll Out!!

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