The Plan

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  It was the next day at school and Nathaniel was really excited. Today was the day that he would try out his plan to get Marinette as his girlfriend. Even though he tried it at her bakery and that didn't work he wanted to try it again because Adrien would be there and he wanted to get Adrien jealous. 

Nathaniel walked inside the school and saw Lila talking to Adrien. It looked like Adrien was shocked to see Lila. Nath then remembered that Lila hasn't been at the school for a while.

Nathaniel shook his head. He didn't have time to think about all that. He needed Marinette.

Nath walked toward Lila and Adrien.

"Hi Lila, Adrien," Nath said and beckoned Lila. "Can I speak with you, Lila??"

"But-" Lila started.

"Now!" Nath said and grabbed her arm. 

"What!" Lila whined and looked back at Adrien. Adrien was looking around. "He's looking for me!"

"Stop! Stick with the plan! This is the day that I will get Marinette!" Nathaniel said and saw Marinette coming inside the school.

Nath looked over to Adrien and saw Adrien walking toward Mari.

"Get Adrien away from my Princess," Nath growled and started walking toward Mari.

Nathaniel felt someone push him.

"Hey! Watch-" Nath was about to say.

Before he even knew what was happening, everyone crowed Marinette, blocking her from his view.

"God Damn it!" Nath cried and got up.

Nath ran over to the crowd and started pushing his way towards Mari.


"Watch it!"

"Wait your turn!"

People grumbled as Nathaniel pushed past them. Nath didn't care. He needed to get to Mari before Adrien did.

"Move!" Nathaniel finally pushed away the last person and saw the necklace. It was a cat necklace. It had cat ears, a cat tail, and a cat bell. 

"Great necklace Mari!" Adrien said.

"Thanks! Chat Noir gave it to me!" Mari answered and smiled at Adrien.

Nathaniel felt like he was going to faint. 

Chat Noir got to her first. Nathaniel thought. No!

Everything was spinning. People were talking distortedly. Nath took one last look at Mari and then everything went black.

Hey! My computer was acting really weird and wouldn't let me get on Wattpad again. Sorry! 

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. I was hoping that it was going to go differently but I have it like this so I will keep it like this.

Have a Miraculous day/night and I will see you later my Crossaints!

Rainbow, Sparkle On!

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