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Hey guys!! Thanks for 58 views!! It really means a lot. If you could, could you guys tell your friends about my story, that would be amazing! You don't have to if you don't want to, but just saying that that would be awesome!! Thx!!

Also, The first part of this chapter is going to be a recap of what happened at the end of the last chapter, but in Marinette's P.O.V.

Anyways, hope you like this chapter and Enjoy!!

"Cool necklace, Marinette!" Adrien winked at her.

"Thanks! Chat Noir gave it to me!" Marinette smiled.

Marinette looked around at everyone around her complimenting on her necklace. She looked at Nathaniel just as he started falling.

"Nath!" Marinette cried and ran over. 

Marinette was too late and Nathaniel hit the floor.


"Nathaniel!!" Marinette cried. "Call an ambulance!!"

Marinette grabbed his head and propped it up on her lap.

"It's going to be okay," Marinette whispered in Nath's ear. "Please! Someone call an ambulance!"

Marinette looked around with tears in her eyes. Through the blurriness, she saw Principle Damocles rushing toward her. Marinette turned back toward Nathaniel. She felt someone's hand on her back and turned to see who it was. Adrien smiled weakly at her and kneeled down next to her.

"It's going to be Ok, Marinette," Adrien said and grabbed her hand.

Marinette started sobbing and leaned against Adrien. Adrien was first really surprised, but then hugged her.

"What's going on here!" Principle Damocles called out.

"Nathaniel fell and hit his head!" someone out of the crowd answered.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Principle Damocles called and kneeled down beside Marinette and Adrien.

"I already did, Mr. Damocles!" Alya said. "They're on their way now."

"Great!" Mr. Damocles said and looked at Nathaniel.

After a while, the crowd heard sirens and moved out of the way of Nath.

"Where is he?!" A policeman said and Mr. Damocles ushered them over.

"Better move out of the way, Miss." The policeman said and Marinette stood up.

Rose gasped and pointed to where Nathaniel's head was on Marinette's lap. Marinette looked down and saw blood. Marinette gasped and fainted against Adrien.

"Blood!" Adrien cried. "Nathaniel's bleeding!"

The policeman ushered the team and they hurried and got Nathaniel on the stretcher. The team hurried and put Nathaniel in the ambulance and hurried off to the hospital.

Marinette finally woke up and blinked around confused.

"What happened??" Marinette asked

"You fainted, girl!" Alya said 

"Where's Nath?!" Marinette cried and looked around.

"He's at the hospital. Girl, chill out!" Alya laughed.

"This is not something to laugh about!" Marinette said sternly.

"Ok, girl! He's fine!" Alya said.

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