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Hey guys!! Welcome back to another chapter of MariChat: A Love Story!!! Hope you guys enjoy! 

Narrator's POV

When Marinette and Chat Noir broke from their kiss, Marinette blushed and looked away. Chat was still dazed from the surprise of the kiss. 

"S-sorry." Marinette stuttered

"Why should you be sorry??" Chat asked shaking his head. 

"I didn't ask." Mari answered, "and it was unexpected. You're still dazed."

"But it was amazing." Chat smiled

"But-" Mari started

"I would have done the same thing." Chat says

"W-what??" Marinette looks at Chat Noir.

Chat brings Marinette closer. Marinette gasps. Chat leans down and connects his lips with Marinette's. Marinette closes her eyes and deepens the kiss. 

Marinette's POV

When I kissed Chat, it felt like I was in Heaven. His lips were so soft. I forgot that it was reality until we broke apart. When Chat kissed me, I melted. It was amazing. I want this to happen every night,

When we break apart for air, I lean against Chat Noir. 

"Can we do this every night??" I ask

"Well......only if we make this official." Chat answers

"And how do we do that??" I smile

Chat turned toward me, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you be my girlfriend??"

Adrien's POV

"Yes!" Marinette exclaims "Of course, Chaton! (A/N: I found out this was the correct way to spell it.)

Mari laughs and hugs me. I cup her face in my hands and kiss her. Mari deepens the kiss and soon we are full on making out.

A/N: Warning!! 12+ only!! Keep reading if you dare!!

Marinette's POV

Chat moved his hands down my back to my shirt hem. His hands went under my shirt and up to my bra. Chat started to unclip it but I stopped him.

"Not...out here." I gasp

"Ok." Chat said and leads me to my balcony window.

Chat and I crawl through the window and onto my bed. I spotted Tikki in her little corner watching us. I motion for her to hide. Tikki nods and hides. Chat Noir pulled me closer to him and kisses me from my neck all the way to my lips. I sighed and kissed him. Chat reaches under my shirt and unclips my bra. He takes it and throws it onto my pink couch thing. Chat starts to take off my shirt and I let him. When he took it off, I start to unzip  his suit. 

Chat licks my breast and I moan.

"Kitty..."I moan

"Yes, Purrincess??" Chat sucks my neck.

"It tickles." I giggle

"Good." Chat says and sucks my breast.

"Ahhhh" I moan

"Chat licks my breasts  and bites my neck. Chat Noir gives me multiple hickeys on my neck, arms, and breasts.

While Chat is licking my breasts I look at my clock. It was 3:47 am. My eyes widen.

I have school tomorrow!  I thought

"Chat..." I said.

"Mmm. Yeah" Chat answers.

"I have school." I say.

"Mhmm. Me too" Chat kisses me

"Chat I have to go to sleep." I exclaim

"Ok." Chat looks at me "Go to sleep Purrincess." 

"If you have school too then you have to go to sleep too." I say sternly.

"I'll sleep with you." Chat says.

"But your identity will go up." I stated

"That's fine." Chat says. "I want you to know who I really am." 

"But I don't!" I exclaimed. "Your identity is really important to keep secret! If you show me and Hawk Moth finds out, then he could use it against you! He could hurt the people you love! If you really did love me than you wouldn't show me who you really are!"

Chat just stared at me.

"I do love you." Chat whispered.

"Then go home and rest." I whispered back

"Ok." Chat said.

Chat zipped his suit back up and opened up the balcony window.

"Hey Chaton!" I called

"Yeah Purrincess??" Chat looked back

"I love you." I smiled

"I love you too, Mari." Chat smiled back

Chat leaped onto the railing and in the direction of his house.

Tikki came out of hiding and looked at me with a disgusted look.

"That was gross." Tikki groaned

"Then why did you watch!?" I laughed

"I stopped when the shirt came off." Tikki grumbled.

I laughed and looked out the window.

"Speaking of shirts," Tikki grabbed my shirt, "here's yours."

"Thank you Tikki." I giggled and put it on. 

"Now good night Marinette!" Tikki said and flew to here corner.

"Goodnight Tikki." I said and crawled under my covers.

When I fell asleep, I dreamt of Chat Noir.

Hey guys!! hope you enjoyed!! I know this is something that I don't normally do and I don't think I want to do it again. It was weird writing it, but I felt like I had to post it just like this. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!! And have a Miraculous day/night!!

Don't forget to check out my Discord for this book!! The first five (now four) people will get manage abilities!!

Thank you for reading and goodnight!!

Au Revoir!!

Alva, Roll Out!!

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