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From now on I will just be putting the names of the person who is the main character n the chapter as the Tile of the chapter. I'm sorry if you don't like it but it's just to hard to think of a chapter name and I'm too lazy. Sorry! If you have an idea for a chapter name just message me and we will see. Thx! Onto the story!

Marinette woke up before Alya and went downstairs to make some of her famous white chocolate chip pancakes. Alya then woke up to the smell of the pancakes and came down and sniffed looking at Marinette.

"What are you making Mari??" Alya asked sleepily

"My famous White Chocolate Chip Pancakes!" Marinette answered happily

"Mmmmm! Thanks Mari!" Alya said while getting a cup of coffee.

  "No prob!" Mari said and finished making the pancakes.

Marinette handed some pancakes to Alya and some for herself. Alya snarfed them down like a wolf and then asked for seconds.

"Girl! You are going to get fat." Marinette said after Alya had her fourth helping.

"Mph! What?? They are good!" Alya said.

They both finished eating then went upstairs to tell about their dreams like they always do when they have sleepovers. 

Alya said that she had a weird dream about Nino being Carapace but Marinette just laughed it off like it was nothing. 

"So what dream did you have girl??" Alya asked and waited paitently.

"Ummmm." Usaully Marinette just dreamed of Adrien, but tonight she didn't. She had a really weird dream of someone else. 

"Well." Alya said, starting to get impaitent.

"Ok so instead of dreaming of Adrien I dreamt of something else. Well more like someone else." Marinette said

"Eeeeee! Who?? Does that mean you have another crush??" Alya squealed with delight.

"Shhhhh!" Marinette said and got up to look at the window. " Someone could here you!"

"Who?? Lila??" Alya rolled her eyes.

"Why would Lila be listening on our confo??" Marinette asked

"Nooooo. I was being sarcastic. Girl you need to work on your hearing. You used to be great at hearing sarcasm." Alya said impaitently.

"Right, sorry." Mari said and sat back down.

"Now who is the lucky guy that you dreamt of??" Alya asked

"Oh, ummmm." Mari started to say. "His name is...." 

Alya leaned in closer as if that would give away the lucky guys name.

"He name is--" Marinette started to say before a thump was heard on Mari's balacony.

"Ahhh!" Alya said and fell forward.

"Hahahahaha!" Marinette laughed

"Marinette! There's someone or something on your balacony!" Alya said started going towards Marinette's closet.

"What?!" Marinette cried and crawled to Alya.

"Aren't you going to check it girl??" Alya asked with a kind of scared voice.

"What?? Why me?!" Marinette said and started to go into the closet.

"Because this is your house!" Alya said and pushed Marinette toward the balcony window.

"F-fine!" Marinette started to go towards her bunkbed stairs.

Marinette climbed the stairs and got on her bed. She opened the trapdoor to the balacony and there was Chat Noir. Marinette screamed and fell backward. Chat Noir reached for Mairnette when he heard Alya scream.

MariChat: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now