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So I need your oppinions. What should I call you guys. I have know clue so please comment. I need it to be a special name. I love all of ya'll and I just need a name for my little Miraculers. I just came up with that so please comment if you like that name or would like me to change it.

So this is the fourth chapter. I decided to write about Nathaniel. Thanks for 23 views! This means a lot to me even though it's only a little views to some people who have hundreds and thousands, but since this is my first book I am really surprised that I got 23 views so soon. Thanks and Enjoy!

After Chat Noir left I called Lila again and said that she needs to get Chat Noir away from Marinette too. Lila groaned, so ok and hung up. I get the feeling that Lila only wanted to get Adrien Agreste away from Marinette but she's all I got. Unless I find someone else. I better start looking.

I waited for the elevator and then heard a noise. I thought it was Chat Noir again but as I turned around I had a feeling that it was a bird. I turned around and was surprised to see Carapace there.

"What are you doing here Carapace??" I asked

"Oh I heard something and wanted to check it out." Carapace said 

"Oh, well it's just me waiting for the elevator." I said and heard the elevator

As a started toward the elevator I heard Carapace follow me. I held the door for Carapace. he came into the elevator and I let the elevator go down. 

"So how's your day been??" I asked

Carapace looked at me and gave me a serious look.

"Don't try to play sly with me Nathaniel. I know what you are trying to do." Carapace said sternly

"What??" I asked

"Don't try to get Marinette for yourself. You have to earn her." Carapace said

"What are you talking about??" I laughed

Carapace then grabbed the end of my shirt and pulled me closer to him. I stopped laughing and started to get scared.

"W-what do you want??" I asked

"I want you to leave Marinette and Adrien alone." Carapace growled

"W-what?! H-how did you know a-about that??" I stuttered

"I know everything. I am a superhero." Carapace said

"R-right. Can you put me down now??" I said scared

"Not until you say that you will leave Marinette and Adrien alone." Carapace said

"O-ok. I-I will leave t-them alone j-just please p-put me down." I said.

Carapace put me down and the elevator came to a stop. Carapace waited until I got out and then got out. I started to walk to Lila's but then I saw Carapace's shadow and went to my house instead.

When I was sure Carapace was gone I took out my phone and texted Lila.

'Change of plans. Carapace and Chat Noir know that we were going to do something.' I texted

'Ugh! Are you always going to get caught??' Lila texted back

'No! I am not. I just need to get a better meeting place. You think of someplaces that no one will be able to get to.' I texted 

'Fine! But if you get caught again you have to find someone else to do your dirty work. Got it??' Lila texted

'Great now we have to do something different about getting Marinette to like me.' I texted

'Well why don't you just ask that bitch out??' Lila texted back

'She's not a bitch. You're the bitch. And that won't work because she likes Adrien Agreste.' I texted angrily

'Right. My bae. Well anyway just talk to her. Tell her you like her and then see what she saids. If she says she likes someone else then we will think of something, but first just do what a normal guy would do.' Lila texted

'Fine! I will try that.' I texted and turned off my phone.

I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection and sighed. 

She will never like someone as ugly as me. I thought

I turned around and went to bed. As I turned off the lights I swear I saw the face of Ladybug but I think it was just my imagination.

I hope you liked this chapter. I was really bored so I just made a chapter for Nathaniel. You guys probably feel sorry for Nath now but I swear it gets better more in the story. 

You guys are probably thinking that I might give it away. Well too bad! I love cliffhangers and when I get more comfortable with the story there will be more. (Sorry not sorry!)

I still need some ideas on what to call you guys and I also need some ideas for characters to write about. Please give your ideas and have a Miraculous Day!

P.S. Today is my cousin and friends Birthday today so wish them a happy birthday!

Rainbow, Sparkle On!

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